Comanche 3: (11Mb)
Released by Novlogic in 1997 Comanche 3 is based on authentic Boeing and Sikorsky (manufacturers of the Comanche helicopter) documentation; Comanche 3 offers entirely new technology, an accurate flight model, realistic sounds such as Pilot chatter and digitized sounds of a REAL Comanche in flight - and you'll experience it all in Dolby SurroundSound. Of the three Helicopter sims I've posted today (not counting the flash game, this is the best, though the others are still worth checking out.
Comanche 3 offers players an immersive combat gaming experience. I purchased this game when it was released and at the time was blown away by the graphics. Previously I’d made do with a late 80’s flight sim called F19, which I’d played to death for several years. The main difference between the two games apart from one being a stealth fighter and a chopper was the graphics. Comanche 3 felt like you were flying in a real helicopter. Though by today’s standards its graphics are definitely old school (for example check out DCS black Shark a recently released state of the art combat helicopter sim with over 300 key bindings).
Despite its age (13 years old), this is definitely a game worth having in your games library, especially if you don’t have any helicopter flight sims. It’s got everything the latest games have apart from state of the art graphics and a large download size (it’s only 11mb)
You can download Comanche 3 HERE or HERE
Just to compare Comanche 3 which is 13 years old with the latest helicopter sim I've posted a few images and video's below of DCS: Black Shark:
You can find DCS: Black Shark either over on Direct 2 Drive or Steam though at the moment there are no deals available. Direct 2 Drive sold it for half price several months ago, but Steam haven't had a deal on the game yet ([i]watch out for it as it's almost certainly going to be on offer eventually). The graphics are very similar to Wings of Prey (another amazingly realistic looking flight sim) with respect to environment and modelling, though the cockpit in the helicopter is far better tha the cockpits in Wings of Prey; many of the dials and buttons/switches are functional in Black Shark. :)