Fire up your Physguns
The Humble Jumbo Bundle brings you a humble selection of jumbo titles at whatever price you wumbo-- er, want.
Name your price for Magicka with "Vietnam" DLC, Natural Selection 2 and Sanctum 2. Pay more than the average price, and you'll also get Orcs Must Die! 2: Complete Pack, Serious Sam 3: BFE and Garry's Mod! All games are redeemable on Steam for Windows, with select titles available on Mac and Linux.
Buyers of this jumbo bundo can also choose how they want their purchase allocated: to the developers and/or two fantastic charities, Watsi and Child’s Play Charity.
With your help, we've raised more than $28 million for charity!
Head on over to the site to check out everything the Humble Jumbo Bundle has to offer! This promotion will be running for two weeks, but make sure you keep an eye out for more games!
Humble Bundle
P.S. Don't forget to check out our Humble Weekly Sale, here for just two more days!
P.P.S. Pre-order Starbound today on the Humble Store and enjoy early access on Steam!
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The Humble Jumbo Bundle
Six top-tier titles. The Humble Jumbo Bundle features six incredible games that are sure to blow your mind away. Pay what you want and get Natural Selection 2, Sanctum 2 and Magicka with two packs of DLC! If you pay more than the average price, you'll also receive Orcs Must Die! 2: Complete Pack, Garry’s Mod and Serious Sam 3: BFE!
Pay what you want. If you bought all of these games separately, it would cost you more than $165, but we're letting you name your price!
Play on Steam. Your purchase will get you six incredible games on Steam for Windows with select games also available on Mac and Linux. Full system requirements for the games can be found here.
*Please note that this bundle requires you to redeem on your Steam account.