I've got a couple of games released as freeware by Jack King-Spooner. GooGoo posted one of his games some time ago (earlier this year) called Blues for Mittavinda. He's put a game up on kickstarter called Beeswing, a gorgeous looking hand crafted game that i'm thinking of backing. Thew games i'm posting today are quite weird/psychedelic. If you like the music, you can download the music from the games separately.
Sluggish Morss:
An exciting space time experience through the space time continuum!
Only air and birds everywhere but the thing was there was no place to land because there was no land.So they just circled around and around because this was before the world began and the sound was deafening. Songbirds were everywhere.Billions and billions and billions of birds.
One of these birds was a lark and one day her father died and this was a really big problem because what should they do with the body? There was no place to put the body because there was no earth.
Finally the lark had a solution. She decided to bury her father in the back of her own head. And this was the beginning of memory because before this no one could remember a thing. They were just constantly flying in circles. Constantly flying in huge circles.
by Jake Clover and Jack King-Spooner
Arrow Keys ------ Move
Space ------ action yo
Escape ------ menu/ close
You can see video of gameplay HERE and HERE
You can download Sluggish morss HERE, you can also dpwnload the soundtrack from the same link.