Can anyone tell me how to download from the freeware library? Maybe I'm missing something, but I see no way to download most things. The only software that has a download link is the recommended software on the main page.
Freeware Library
(13 posts) (5 voices)-
Posted 14 years ago #
Hi, wormmyone, welcome to the forums.
Go to, look for the programme you want to download and click on "Download", on the page with your programme click on "Proceed to download page" and the download starts, if not then follow the link: " will start now. If it doesn't, click here."graylox
Posted 14 years ago # -
You can also access it from a link at the bottom of the main giveaway page when you first enter the site. Usually near the bottom right of the page.
Posted 14 years ago # -
Thank you both for the replies. I don't have a problem finding the freeware, my problem seems to be no download link anywhere after i click into to freeware title I am interested in. After finding something I like and clicking more to see the main page i can find no way to download anything. Maybe it is just me. :(
Posted 14 years ago # -
Sorry, wormmyone, I can't reconstruct that fault. I tried several programmes, and got them all.
I would advise you, to clean all caches - browser, download, internet - and to delete at least all GOTD cookies.
Good luck!Posted 14 years ago # -
wormmyone, what are you trying to get? Most of these worked for me after I clicked on download. For Winamp I had to click on the here link which took me to a page for with the free standard download. For AVG, the here link just took me to some page in German. Here is the US page for downloading AVG.
Posted 14 years ago # -
Whenever i click on more for any random freeware, I get a page that looks like this. Depending on the program there may be comments, but no way to download anything. I just don't get it. I've cleared caches, cookies, everything I can think of. I'm also pretty sure I've downloaded things from freeware library before, but can't get anything to work now.
Posted 14 years ago # -
Hi again, wormmyone,
Following the link you posted, I find this:
In deed, you can't download this programme, because GOTD cancelled it.
Usually with other programmes I get this:
Followed by:
Normally the download starts directly in the background, without prompt. Go to your download folder - there you should find it.
I'm using Firefox and have specified the folder under Tools/Options. Your routines are certainly different.
Maybe your security settings don't allow direct downloads?
Did you check your temp folder - maybe the downloads are there?
Sorry, but I can't reproduce your difficulties.More luck next time.
Posted 14 years ago # -
I am also able to successfully download from the freeware library.
Posted 14 years ago # -
Hey Greylox. The first image you posted shows the "proceed to download page" button. No matter what program I click on, I get no button like that. How do I know if my security settings allow direct downloads. I also use firefox and have a specified download folder. Maybe I'm just not destined to download any freeware. I have never had any problem downloading from GOTD, so very perplexed.
Posted 14 years ago # -
That's funny, why should a part of the site disappear only for you ?
Let's try something else:1. Open the site with IE or any other browser. Does this make a difference?
2. Are you using ABP / Adblock Plus? Disable it and reload the site. Do you see the download button now? If yes, change the settings of ABP. Open blockable items with Ctrl+Shift+V and search for: - background - imageboth may not be blocked.
3. Make a screenshot of the site and post it here. - That won't help, but I'm at my wits' end.
Posted 14 years ago # -
It's Adblock Plus!! I'm just not sure how to make it not block GOTD stuff.
EDIT- Finally figured out the filter that was blocking everything and turned it off!! Thank you everyone (especially Graylox!) for helping me out. Been a fan of GOTD for a long time now, and all the helpful people speak volumes about what a great community there is here.
Posted 14 years ago # -
I'm glad that you got it, as I really had no other ideas.
ABP is - at least for me, just trial and error, luckily it shows you which part belongs to which filter.Posted 14 years ago #
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