Last chance for a great bundle - games for you and a donation for charity:
The Great Adventure Bundle 2010
Sam & Max Game Unlocked In Final Days!
The Great Adventure Bundle 2010 sale is almost over: The last day to purchase the bundle is Monday, September 20! That's not all: We've decided to unlock Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space early in appreciation of all the support this bundle has received. Now, anyone who has or will pick up The Great Adventure Bundle gets all six of the adventure games included in the bundle for on ly $19.95! And 25% of the proceeds from every single bundle sold go to one, or all, of the five charitable organizations we've selected, so it's for a great cause!
The Great Adventure Bundle includes Whispered World, Jack Keane, King's Quest Collection, Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness - Episode 1, Puzzle Agent, and Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space. The five charitable causes include Child's Play, the World Wildlife Fund, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and Nyota e.V.
Purchase The Great Adventure Bundle - 6 great games for a great price and for a great cause!