I'd previously arranged several Left 4 Dead and/or Left 4 Dead 2 games with all of Davids friends; sort of a remembrance of his days. Unfortunately I ran into problems with my computer and was unable to access my steam account and therefore was unable at the time. It's taken me over three months to sort the problem. Once my study is ready to move into, I would like to start playing with as many of his friends and those who are interested in joining in.
I'm still thinking of him every day (we used to talk via Skype every night and play games when we were in the mood, mainly Left 4 Dead and Left 4 dead 2 plus a few other games).
Please email me or send a PM if you are still interested in joining in. (or add your name to this thread and I'll PM you details of when we will play. It's not necessary to turn in for every game and even play through a whole map as some of them can take a few hours to complete, especially if we have to restart a level.. The list I've posted below is quite extensive. I'm hoping we can work through them over the coming months.
There will be a few other games we may play if anyone is interested for example Unreal Tournament 2004, Unreal Tournament3, ArmA II, Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (we need four to play coop), Half Life 2: Deathmatch as well as others if anyone has suggestions
The best time for a game will be between 10pm to 1am Fridays. The reason for this is because one of our friends (Ghost Zero/Sonny) from Singapore works as a chef and has odd hours. He usually only gets Saturday mornings off and has said he would like to play with us. Saturday morning in Singapore equates to Friday late evening in the UK and late afternoon to early evening in the US.
We can also play at other times. I'm usually available most evenings and even late morning and early afternoons (GMT) during the weekdays.
Can't remember whether I'd already discussed the custom maps we will be playing over the coming months. Most custom maps take longer than default maps, so you're talking between 1 hour to 2 hours for some, but a few may take even longer. (You don't have to stay for the whole game if it gets too late. Most of the default maps, which I've not mentioned above can be completed in 30 minutes to an hour. We will be playing those as well.
The following fairly long list were amongst Davids favorites; or in the case of a few, ones he'd intended to play (e.g. Yama). The ones at the bottom of the list are maps David never got a chance to see, but look like he would have thoroughly enjoyed.
If you are interested in joining in one one or more of the games we will be playing, please download the maps. To download each map just click on the name of the map to go to the appropriate L4D Maps page. If you sign up for a free account you can download the maps much quicker.
If you join the Steam giveaway group I will try and remember to add alerts, so that if you have your Steam client booted up you'll get a message popping up saying the game will be starting. :) You can find the Giveaway page on Steam HERE
Map List:
The following David never got the chance to play, one we meant to, the rest were not released until he passed away, but I reckon he would have loved them:
Anyone who didn't get the chance to play with us are also welcome. We play non competitively and for fun in a friendly atmosphere. We did have a Team Speak account, which I think has lapsed. If enough people show interest I may pay a years subscription to a server as its relatively cheap to rent and enhances game play. Alternatively we could use Skype, which is free.
Team Speak has advantages if we play games where we are playing opposing teams (or in the case of Left 4 Dead Versus mode) because you can allocate each team a separate channel.
Either post here if you are interested in playing and I'll PM you back when we intend to start playing again, or PM me (my PM's may be full though)