Ok, I'm not sure if I will be here tomorrow, so I'm posting tomorrow's games today! (Or maybe its just part 2 of Monday, if I happen to want to post games tomorrow).
The first game is a game that has been mentioned a few times, but never reviewed. Its called Warning Forever, and it's like a mix of Fraxy and Battleships Forever (Which actually stole some elements from this game).
You control a single ship, and you have to defeat large bosses, and you only have 120 seconds to complete. Then, once you defeated it, you are given another boss to defeat (which is determined by the first piece of the the last boss that you destroyed).
Download here: http://www18.big.or.jp/~hikoza/Prod/index_e.html
Second game is called The Mana World. Its a MMORPG (bending the rules a bit), but its completely and totally free. There are no additional features/items/anything that costs money. Server costs are covered by donations (There is a user that pays the rest when they don't cover). It has cartoonish graphics, and has a fantastic community. The focus of the game is teaming up to do quests, forming communities, and exploration.
There are versions for Windows, Mac, and many Linux distros. It is open source and always under development, and users have the ability to add features/quests/areas.
The next game is called Jooleem. Its a puzzle game where you try to click on 4 or more marbles that create a rectangle. Time is always running out, and as you progress, the game gets harder and harder.
Download here: http://jooleem.sourceforge.net/
Finally, I have a game called Tile World. Its based off of Chip's Challenge (Which is one of my all time favorite puzzle games that came with old versions of Windows...and you can find with Google), and can import the levels from Chip's Challenge (which are copyrighted...but once again, Google is your friend).
The game is a top-down puzzle game where you control a person that tries to collect enough chips to open up the final door to the exit that leads to the next level. There are keys, blocks, monsters, and many, many genius level designs.
Original Chip's Challenge screenshot:
Download (for both windows and linux) here: