I've just received a couple of emails from community members telling me of an email that I was supposed to have sent out. It definitely wasn't from me. I cannot fathom how this has happened; but to be on the safe side please do not open any emails from my Whiterabbit-uk hotmail account. I will be working through all my email addy's (there's hundreds) and sending you all an email from a safe email, which i won't print here.
It's been an extraordinarily hard day for me a si've had an hospital appointment this morning, shopping and post office over lunch then a dental appointment in the qafternoon. fo me that's very unusual and it's knocked the stuffing out of me. nmoreso because I've not been well over the last few days. so it's going to take me a couple of days to work through all of the emails as I will be sending individual Emails to everyone.
I'm sorry if it's compromised anyones computers. I can only assume my email has been ripped from one of the sites because Io use the same password for my Email and log on for quite a few sites. I visit or someone has sold my email on somehow.
I always run a firewall and antivirus program, so don't think it's arisen directly from my own computer.