The following Deal is only a 24 hour deal so get it while it's hot. This is an excellent RPG, that still holds its own even though the series was released ten years ago. For less than $5 for the game of the year and expansion you can go wrong with this cult RPG. You can get the game of the year editionwithout the expansion for about $2.50 That is an amazing price. Both deals have been reduced by 75%.
Deus Ex bridges the gap between FPS and RPG, a game that stands the test of time despite looking horribly out-dated today, but you would expect that considering it's age. I really loved the all-angle approach you could take to virtually every sequence in the game, and how you distribute abilities and stats and all that awesome junk always gets me giddy. I'm thinking about installing this again just for the lulz. The sequel was great as well, don't let the nay-sayers deter you!
The Game
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition:
Deus Ex: Invisible War:
This GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION of the smash hit Deus Ex features an all-new multiplayer mode and a new head-to-head deathmatch mode.
The year is 2052 and the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. Terrorists operate openly - killing thousands; drugs, disease and pollution kill even more. The world's economies are close to collapse and the gap between the insanely wealthy and the desperately poor grows ever wider. Worst of all, an ages old conspiracy bent on world domination has decided that the time is right to emerge from the shadows and take control. No one believes they exist. No one but you.
Real role-playing from an immersive 3D, first-person perspective. The game includes action, character interaction and problem solving.
Realistic, recognizable locations. Many of the locations are built from actual blueprints of real places set in a near future scenario.
A game filled with people rather than monsters. This creates empathy with the game characters and enhances the realism of the game world.
Invisible War expansion
Rich character development systems: Skills, augmentations, weapon and item selections and multiple solutions to problems ensure that no two players will end the game with similar characters.
Multiple solutions to problems and character development choices ensure a varied game experience. Talk, fight or use skills to get past obstacles as the game adapts itself to your style of play.
Strong storyline: Built on "real" conspiracy theories, current events and expected advancements in technology. If it's in the game, someone, somewhere believes it.
System Requirements
Minimum: 300 MHz Pentium II or equlivalent, Windows 95/98, 64 MB RAM, DirectX 7.0a compliant 3D accelerated video card 16MB VRAM, Direct X 7.0a compliant sound card, Direct X 7.0a or higher (included), 150MB uncompressed hard drive space, Keyboard and Mouse
Check it out on Steam HERE