Beste mensen,
er wordt op de site van Giveaway of the Day vaak negatief gereageerd en het gaat lang niet altijd over de inhoud van een aangeboden programma's. Soms gaat het er heel grof aan toe en diverse malen verzoeken de bezoekers van de site of deze lieden niet van de site verwijderd kunnen worden door de site beheerder maar er verandert niets en het taalgebruik gaat soms langs het beledigende af. Nogmaals hoe kunnen deze personen van de site worden verwijderd want dit is niet leuk meer en de site op zich is best goed.
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(9 posts) (6 voices)-
Posted 14 years ago #
Hallo Avankempen
Ik verontschuldig me over de slechte vertaling hieronder. Ik gebruikte Googles vertaler. Het laat op zijn minst enige vorm van communicatie tussen de verschillende taalgebruikers. :)
Ik ben het eens met u over de grofheid en slechte taal die sommige leden van de gemeenschap te gebruiken en te proberen en te bestrijden hebben vrijwillig dit samen met enkele andere leden van de gemeenschap naar de giveaway opmerkingen sectie matig, maar helaas is de site-eigenaars hebben ons aanbod van hulp geweigerd.
Posted 14 years ago # -
Laat me dit even actualiseren. Ik ben persoonlijk gisteren 17/1 ook lastiggevallen door een copycat die het dan zelfs nodig vond anderen te beledigen met mijn nicknaam. Kunnen zo'n idioten niet permanent verwijdert worden ? IP logging zou dit toch heel eenvoudig moeten kunnen oplossen ?
Posted 13 years ago # -
Normally this is the Dutch part of the forum indeed. Anyway it's all about complaints that on the Giveawayoftheday comments section there are people that take over the username of someone else (it's possible because unlike in this forum here, in the comments section one can use the name one wants even an existing one). So some ppl start insulting others while using a username of others. There is absolutely no IP check !!!!
Posted 13 years ago # -
thanks for the translation, JimB, much appreciated. I sympathize with the problem.
Posted 13 years ago # -
No problem, do you guys on the English comments section of Giveawayoftheday also have idiots that use a nickname of another poster ? And start postings and insulting others so that they think it's from the original long-time poster ?
Posted 13 years ago # -
Normally it would be up to moderators to block comments that are not related to the giveaway. Comments (or abuse) that are directed towards other users is usually deleted on the English section (at least if I see such comments, I will delete them).
I guess this is a failing of the Dutch page (or it's moderators, if they exist).
It is a good idea for long time posters - to register a forum account & sign in - then that account is used by default when posting comments on the front page. A regular moderator will recognise the provided email address - and can easily spot an imposter.
Posted 13 years ago # -
It happened to me some years back when I first started to post longer game reviews. A particular community member though it funny to use my online name several times which was annoying as he tried to rubbish what I was doing.
Posted 13 years ago # -
A few months ago, we had the problem of "identity theft" on the Dutch page once again. I developed a simple method that I made available to some posters whose mail address I have. I made a Google Drive spreadsheet containing a list of random codes. Every time one wants to make sure he is the real owner of the nick involved, he would use the next unused code, next to his nickname. An imposter will not have access to that Google Drive sheet. I, as the owner of the sheet, can see who has changed the sheet by noting his nick, date and time next to the code used.
It soon became clear to the imposters that this simple method works and since they have used their own nicks. Or do not post anything at all anymore.
Posted 12 years ago #
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