Hi guys, unfortunately I'm not able to moderate the game comments over the vacation. I've just found the address for moderating, but for some reason I'm not able to log on? In fact I can't even download today's game so there will be no review either. Anything over a few Mb freezes before the download has completed. I can only assume the hotel wifi has a filter on to stop downloads.
I'm unable to moderate the game comments
(24 posts) (11 voices)-
Posted 14 years ago #
I was just going to ask if anyone had tried Tropical Fish Shop: Annabel’s Adventure because there are no comments.
Posted 14 years ago # -
But we don't need any more moderators for the game giveaway side do we?
Posted 14 years ago # -
You're definitely entitled to be a spare/co moderator for the game giveaway.Gotd should reconsider this once again..
Maybe you could add a review on the main giveaway's page?Or maybe you already did...How're things over there,Stephen.
Rumors have it oil is spoiling the beaches over there.Posted 14 years ago # -
Was so happy to see a game again. However, if I were the developer I'd be PO'd that no comments and no ratings made it. It appeared to me that no one had downloaded the game and it's now fully 7 hours into the give away. This is NOT the way to get developers to contribute games or applications. And we do need more moderators and I hope this screw up convinces GAOTD of that fact and the need for back up capabilities over vacation.
Posted 14 years ago # -
The game is available at My Play City and I got it a few weeks ago. It's a rather nice Match 3 game.
I tried to give it a thumbs up because I do like the game but was unable to do it.
It's a little different than some match 3s. You need to get a specified number of each creature (except when you're hiding from the shark) but you have to also catch "bubbles" to replenish your air supply. It's the closest it has to timing.
When hiding from the shark, you have to catch a given number of air bubbles.
The shark and diving competitions are turn-based. You and the computer take turns. In the early rounds of the competitions, the computer's player seems very stupid! It misses obvious matches.
The last few levels finding bottles are much more difficult because you have to maneuver the bottle to the side to be able to let it down through the puzzle matrix.
It's a good game so I'll see if I can post a comment now. I'll at least try to get my thumbs up again! ---- The thumbs-up/thumbs-down buttons aren't working. I have posted my positive comments and they are "awaiting moderation". I've done all I can!
Posted 14 years ago # -
included wi-fi can be spotty as all get out, WR- I have a friend who vents about that and cruddy cell coverage all the time when he's on the road taking his wife to bowling tournaments.
Posted 14 years ago # -
Hi WR, that's fine, you deserve the break - so, don't worry about it. I also (like Dragonlair) downloaded, installed, and activated the game - even played a few fun rounds, and also left positive comments. Hope everyone is doing well, by the way.
InasPosted 14 years ago # -
4shadowm makes an excellent point. The developers put their software on GOTD to get the feedback we provide. That's the concept of the project. With no moderation today GOTD has failed on their promise to provide that feedback.
This could have been prevented had they listened to the suggestions made some time ago that additional moderators were needed. With the downturn in the numbers of developers willing to put their software on GOTD, this incident could hurt the project even further.
Whiterabbit does a fine job but he doesn't 'work' here, he is a volunteer. He has donated his time but can't be expected to be here every weekend without fail. It sounds like he expected to be able to do the moderation from his hotel but can't so now there is none. Maybe this will be the kick in the backside GOTD needed to convince them to listen to the users a bit more.
Posted 14 years ago # -
Excellent point, 4shadowm & Hoss - and by the way (Hoss) - I'm still watching my favorite Cartwright son (Hoss) on the classic re-runs of Bonanza on Cable TV - Yay! :)
Posted 14 years ago # -
Terri, and all, I just posted a comment over on the games comments side. Just in case it doesn't get approved (in this lifetime, I might add...<saying to myself, "now be nice, Sue"...lol), here is what I said, that also answers your question (Terri).
"I downloaded and installed the game on my XP SP3 desktop, figuring to wait until this afternoon to try it out. The first thing I noticed is no icon on my desktop, so I went to the installation folder, and sent one there. I clicked onto the icon to try out the game, and got a 'Sonar detected security risk fishes.exe' notice from Norton. Security risk has been removed, and so has the game play icon, which means I can't play the game. I removed the previous download, and redownloaded/installed, and got the same actions; I repeated this action 3-4 times, btw. Match-3's are my favorite genre of game, so I was looking forward to trying this one out. A bit of a disappointment, I'll say."
Posted 14 years ago # -
And not *one* comment or thumb vote has made it to visibility.
Sad, but really WR, you are on *vacation*- that's why you made sure you could play DVD's on your laptop.
Give it a rest. And bloody *DON'T* apologize, man!
Charge what the traffic will bear- if you give it over free, they'll take it as worthless and soon demand it as a right.
I too hope (with not much optimism) that this will be a wake-up to the GAOTD 'Suits'.
Why anyone uses Norton even as a free trial these days eludes me.
Posted 14 years ago # -
And not *one* comment or thumb vote has made it to visibility.
The thumb buttons aren't working! That's why there are no votes. Part of the complaint is they put this in and didn't even test to be sure it was working before they headed off for the weekend.Posted 14 years ago # -
Why not try to rename fishes.exe to something sweeter, such as pretzel.exe.LOL.
It won't affect the game being loaded.
:) It might trick Norton..no harm in trying.Posted 14 years ago # -
I'd rather nuke Norton and replace it with free and better. Sad. Peter Norton must be spinning like a gas turbine in his grave over what they use his name for.
Posted 14 years ago # -
55 comments are now showing.
Posted 14 years ago # -
it happened after I posted, it was blank when I looked, 4 hours ago.
Posted 14 years ago # -
Yeah, thankfully there is another moderator, that moderates around 2 or 3 times a day. :) Quite a few of the game giveaways we've had seem to also be available from Gametop these days. I just hope the game giveaway owners manage to find more developers soon. :)
Your right Goodgotd, I think I do too much apologising when it's not really needed. I certainly needed a vacation from my usually mundane life at home. I'm in a similar position to you Goodgotd,- stuck inside all the time. i used to be an out doors sort of person, so not being able to get out under my own steam really gets me down sometimes.
Posted 14 years ago # -
goodgotd, I've always preferred Norton over anything else, and it's the only security software I've used that hasn't ended up failing me. Also, the firewall isn't stupid, wanting me to always approve/disapprove the same apps. The only way to get rid of all those alerts, and such, that I was getting from the previous firewall, Zone Alarm, was to buy it.
Posted 14 years ago # -
4shadowm and HOSS, I agree with both of you.
Posted 14 years ago # -
alas, my experience has been far different. Bummer. I used to be a real fan of Norton Utilities waaay back.
Posted 14 years ago # -
If you are having trouble with Norton blocking your game, simply tell it to exclude the game exec from scanning by going into the quarantined files list, then select options and exclude from scan. It worked just fine for me.
Posted 14 years ago # -
On a somewhat related note - I think it would be nice if the GOTD Execs (in charge of this site) would reward the loyal volunteer moderators, such as WhiteRabbit and Bubby, etc., for their time and effort - it doesn't have to be a big reward - simply something that shows their sincere gratitude. A genuine show of appreciation goes a long way towards further fostering a sense of camaraderie. Just a suggestion.
Posted 14 years ago # -
I second the motion. the Volunteers deserve far more than they will ever get.
Posted 14 years ago #
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