Welcome to Artbeats Royalty-Free Stock Footage
Thanks to to mike, one of our pro-reviewers, he provided us with this link:
[ArtBeats.com gives away a HD clip a day, & I can think of a couple of nature &/or beach scenes I've picked up that way that could be combined with audio & looped for a very nice HD screensaver.] Comment by mike — May 10th, 2010 at 1:04 pm
About the Daily Free Clip ProgramWhat is it?
Artbeats will be giving away a FREE CLIP every day to Registered Users - no strings attached! (Click here to become a registered user, it's free and private.) Each and every day, a unique and different clip will be chosen by Artbeats staff to be offered to you absolutely FREE. (There are no purchase or other requirements other than you being a Registered User and agreeing to our License Agreement.) Our intent is that this promotion will go on for an extended time into the future, but we reserve the right to cancel it at any time.
Yes, these clips are the same ones that we sell for hundreds of dollars each! You can literally collect over $100,000 worth of HD footage in a year with this promotion! On the rare occasion that we shorten the length of a Free Clip to save download time, we will tell you up front on the download page. The only other difference is that we will add 15 frames at the end of the clip that shows the Artbeats logo. As with all Artbeats footage, the usage license is typical for Royalty Free. More on that below.
Each clip will be available for 24 hours only. ...
Clips are available for download at absolutely no charge....
Account Registration
You have to fill in the registration with your name and some personal data. (Well as you are a video artist, I'm sure you have an artist name...)
As a thank you, you can download a second clip.
Thanks to mike!