Ive not been notified that there is going to be a game giveaway, so I'm assuming there isn't one this weekend. So decided to post the following submarine Sim. It's an open source project that is very well made; maybe not as good as the last three Silent Hunter games (Silent Hunter III, IV and V), but nevertheless it is still an excellent on-going project. If you decide to download this and enjoy it, definitely check back to the development pages to see what's been added as it is an ongoing project.
Danger from the Deep (61.3Mb or 24.35Mb)
Danger From The Deep is a tactical submarine simulation game that puts you in command of German WWII Uboats, and will be as realistic as our time and knowledge of physics allows.
The game has been developed as an Open Source project and is available for free under the GNU GPLv2 license. The artwork is licensed under a Attribution/NonDerivative/NonCommercial Creative Commons license.
The current release of the game supports only single player missions. Following are the missions available:
• Warship Engagement
• Convoy Battle
• Historical Mission
Warship Engagement
Not yet implemented.
Convoy Battle
This mission set in the time period of 1939 to45 and puts you in command of a UBoat
in the North Atlantic theatre with an objective to stalk and hunt Allied merchant vessels. You can choose between various submarine types and engage convoys and escorts of varying sizes at different times of the day. Currently implemented uboat types, are the type VIIC, the type IIA, IIB, IIC, IID, and the proxy models type IX and XXI. All other uboat types and "Turm" modifications will be implemented in the future versions.
Historical Mission
Intended to contain submarine battles based on historical WWII scenarios. Currently it only contains few training missions. (Note that you can use the mission editor to create your own missions, altough that's primarily intended for developers, and some text editing would still be required, for more complex missions, but since the missions files are XML based, that shouldn't be hard.).
Game Objects
The following type of objects have been implemented in the game:
• Submarines
• Ships
• Aircrafts
• Torpedoes
• Sonar
Submarines (UBoats):
There are currently 4 main uboat types that you can command. There are the type VIIC, the type II with the IIA, just that a temporary model, used for development purposes, until final models are ready to be commited. Each uboat type has different characteristics, such as maximum submerged and surfaced speed, maximum operational depth (and crush depth), as well different types of sensors and weapons, particularly passive sonar (hydrophones arrays) and torpedos / torpedo tubes. For more details refer to table <TODO> in section x.y.z in the pdf document I've linked to via the reference below for details on each type of uboat. Notice that more uboat types will be implemented in future versions.
Altough there are several types of ships, freighters and warships available at the moment, more ships are being added, as the new models replace the old proxy models. The new models are the Tribal class destroyer, in five Royal Navy and Canadian Navy schemes, and the Flower class corvette, also in Royal Navy and Royal Canadian Navy versions. There are 3 major versions of the Flower class corvette, the 1940, 1941, 1942 model, and these have several schemes, according to their theater of operations and period of war, but there are versions for both the Royal Navy and Canadian Navy as well. As for freighters, currently implemented are the Liberty ship, in several schemes, the North Sands class ships (a.k.a. the "Forts" ships), in several versions, early and late war, and a special civilian early version of a North Sands class. Also, a CAM ship (Catapult Armed Merchant), with an Hawker Sea Hurricane aircraft, catapult launched built to counter the threat of the FockeWulf Fw200 Condor, in the "Atlantic gap". There's also a Kennebak class oil tanker. More models will be implemented later on.
Not yet implemented, altough there's an Heinkel He115A seaplane already built for some missions (Note that this version was a minelayer version, altough the mission isn't done yet, there will be basic operations with some aircraft types, particularly seaplanes, such as the Dornier Do18/24, Blohm&Voss Bv138, etc.., but this is work in progress.)
Torpedo is the primary weapon of a submarine. Various types of torpedoes are available in the game, each depicted by a color code. Currently implemented torpedoes are the G7a TI, TI LuTI, LuTII, TII, G7e TIII, TIIIa, TIIIa FaTII & LuTII, TIV, TV, TVb, TVI LuTI, LuTII and TXI. (Refer table <TODO> in section i.j.k for characteristics of each type of torpedo.)
Note: you can consult each torpedo type's characteristics in the torpedo management screen (by default, binded to the F6 key). Clicking in a torpedo will show its characteristics in the notebook. Torpedo types were available in specific periods of war, and they're introduced as the game progresses. Learn the torpedo's characteristics, because they vary greatly, as well as the tactics in employing each type. You can find more detailed information on operational use by clicking the torpedo(s) in the torpedo management screen (default keybind F6).
Sonar is the main eyes and ears of the submarine, especially when the sub is submerged. The different types of sonar implemented in the game are passive types GHG (aka Gruppenhorchgeräte), the KDB (aka Kristalldrehbasisgerät), and the BG (aka Balkongerät). Note: read the apendix for some information on each sonar device's characteristics. Also note that active sonar was available later in the war, in the Type XXI uboat. This type will be implemented at a later stage.
F1 Control screen
F2 Periscope screen (Only when sub is at or above periscope level)
F3 UZO (targeting binoculars only
when surfaced)
F4 Bridge view (only when surfaced)
F5 Map
F6 Torpedo management
F7 Damage control
F8 Captain's cabin (provides access to ship's log, career info, etc..)
F9 Sonar control (varies with sonar type carried by specific uboat type)
F10 Free view (exterior view)
F11 TDC (Torpedo data computer)
Left / Right Arrow Rudder left/right 15°, up to 30°
Up / Down Arrow Depth Planes up/down 10°, up to 30°
Shift + Left / Right Arrow Full left/right rudder
Shift + Up / Down Arrow Depth planes up/down 20°
Return / Enter Center rudder
1 Engine ahead, listen speed
2 Engine ahead, slow speed
3 Engine ahead, half speed
4 Engine ahead, full speed
5 Engine ahead, flank speed
6 Engine stop
7 Engine reverse, slow speed
8 Engine reverse, half speed
9 Engine reverse, full speed
Space Select target
i Identify target
Shift + 1...6 Fire torpedo tube 1...6 (Number depends on uboat type)
t Fire torpedo (automatic selection of bow/stern tubes)
c Crash dive (varies with uboat type, 150m on Type VIIC)
p Periscope depth
0 (zero) Periscope up/down
d Snorkel depth
f Snorkel up/down
s Surface
h Set heading to view
v Set view to heading
z/ mouse wheel Zoom view (UZO, Periscope, Bridge views)
Shift + , Exterior view fast left turn
Shift + . Exterior view fast right turn
Keypad +/Time
compression faster / slower
Pause Pause/Resume game
Esc Game menu
PrtScr Capture screenshot (saves as *.bmp in installation directory)
PDF Manuel:
Development info
The sourceforge file is the latest version available. The Filefront file is an older version.
http://dangerdeep.sourceforge.net/downloads/ (61.3Mb) exe file
http://www.filefront.com/5142602/Danger-from-the-Deep-v0.1.1/ (24.3Mb) zip file