Glad you got the problem solved. :)
"Lost" CD-ROM drive, USB drives
(63 posts) (12 voices)-
Posted 14 years ago #
Hi Linda, I know you're always trying to learn more, so may I please direct you to HP's website where they have learning pages for all sorts of things computer related?
And while you're learning, be sure to check out my post of free college classes available online. There are several computer related classes.
Posted 14 years ago # -
To pavid who explained search engines for me (and everyone else I guess): Though I do not consider myself computer-savy, everyday is a learning experienc. Got started here because my puter got sick. Everyone was oh so helpful, and it was a stupendous learning experience. Then with my CD-ROM Drive going on the fritz, again you brilliant folks helped me. Another great experience for me. However, there remains much that hasn't remained in my mind and I have notes all over the place! I go somewhere on the puter, or do something, and I don't remember where I've been or what I've done. Yes, I take notes but sometimes I'm too excited to stop/write. However, I'm not really a novice.
pavid, you're a gem. As for search engines, I use google 20 times a day. I HAD used google for the words I asked about but the explanations I did not understand. So, as a last resort, I posted it here, hoping that one of my new-found pals would explain it in easy-to-understand language. If I mis-led you pavid, or anyone else, please accept my apology. I do a lot of legal research on the Internet and also I research a wide assortment of things just to LEARN. I'm retired due to sciatica (and then some), so can not sit in a chair at a job for a long period of time. My old body may not work as well as it used to, however a computer keeps my mind active!
Used to do volunteer work for a local historical society. Even if I was sick in bed and they called me, I'd go to the museum. What did they need? Their computer software fixed! They thought I knew what I was doing, and they were wrong! However, with click this and do that 99% of the time I got their puter up and running. I guess it's because I'm not 'afraid' of it.
There's oh so much to learn. Every day I tackle another problem. Tomorrows task is to THOROUGHLY learn about the A, D, E, F, Drives. Saved everyone's posts on this subject, but don't think it was 100% accurate. Yes, it suited my needs for the time, but now I have more questions. Was thinking of starting a new thread for this, but I don't want anyone to feel I'm taking advantage of this fantastic forum. And what makes this forum so fantastic to me? The MEMBERS. You are ALL so thoughtful and considerate and smart! Each has a special place in my heart. Even the members who explain things in computerese that I don't understand!
I type 185 wpm on computer; typed 102 wpm on a manual typewriter. Used to proofread manuscripts for a scientific mag and wrote for them a few times. Locals have me write letters for them. Telling y'all this because of the length of this post! It's 8pm; time to hit the sheets and watch TV. Pleasant dreams everyone.
Posted 14 years ago #
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