As per request of WhiteRabbit, I've investigated the problem with Fairy Arkanoid's level 45. I think the problem is a combination of block-add bonuses and level design. I've changed the level a bit and it seems that it works. So here's the workaround.
1. Open up the levels.xml file under the xml folder in your Fairy Arkanoid program folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Gambana\Fairy Arkanoid\xml) with a text editor, such as WordPad.
2. Scroll to the section that starts with "<level id="45">". In the "<blocks>" section, find the 4th row (delimited by the | character).
3. Find the 0 and the 9, and swap them places.
4. Save the file.
5. When playing the level, avoid block-add bonuses. Sacrifice a paddle if you have to.
This should hopefully work. If there are many people who report that this works, the I'll file a report with Gambana.
One more thing: If you want to skip the level:
1. Get a .sol (Flash Shared Object) editor.
2. Open the file "C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\randomcharacters\localhost\FairyArkanoid_Data.sol".
3.Change the value to 46 in the following keys:
\players\playername\nLevelsWithoutLoose (not sure if you need to change this one; mine was 0)
Change the value to 45 in the key:
4. Save.
5. The game should allow you to continue on level 46.