I'm planning on making a guide that explains the various resource files, game code, engine, etc. from Giveaway games. I'm wondering if anyone is interested in such a guide. (Note: It's not about hacking "Game Giveaway", but modifying games from Game Giveaway.)
Giveaway Game Modifying Guide | COMING SOON
(12 posts) (6 voices)-
Posted 15 years ago #
Sounds cool. always useful to have info such as that. I'm also in the middle of creating a FAQ's document which will be posted when I've completed it. In it it answers the many questions that community members are continually asking about problem with installation etc, or how to change the music, or why doesn't the game work on my computer, or I get lines on my display, etc. You guide sounds like it may contain useful information that could be referenced to from my guide/FAQ's doc. :)
Posted 15 years ago # -
Sounds Cool!!!
I'm always up for learning a little more about these darn 'derfingerpoken' machines!!!! ;o)
Posted 15 years ago # -
@GMMan: I think that sounds like a really awesome idea. I know that I would be interested in that. I Know that all the info is out there, but it would be nice for it all to be at one place, close together, and accessible easily and at anytime! If I had any talent/skill at anything helpful I would be very interested in helping, but honestly I don't. What little knowledge I had is WAAAAAY out of date and useless anymore. LOL
Let me know though and I will be in the line to get one.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Nice idea. You could always just add it on to our Guide we already made...
Posted 15 years ago # -
Just a note: I'm leaving for a holiday on Wednesday, so I might not be able to complete the guide this year. I'm also planning on making two other thing before working on this guide: a key wrapper registry tool (for managing giveawayoftheday.com registry entries) and completely rewriting the GOTD Manual (so that it's more complete and manual-like). Those two projects probably will take me a while, so everyone'd have to wait for some time before this guide'll come out. (Actually, I might just write the guide the same time I write the GOTD manual, though separately.)
Posted 15 years ago # -
Nice one GMMan. Maybe the FAQ's I'm working on should be incorporated into the Giveaway manual as well. :)
Have a brillaint vacation. Make sure you take a laptop for the evenings, lol. :)Posted 15 years ago # -
All of the above sounds useful but the proposed features do not include comments that are especially important to me. I would like a simple index or map leading to games posted by giveaway dates, genre, game controls, or any other identifying feature.
My eyes see a brief synopsis of gameplay with any unusual system requirements mentioned early on. A comment on the ease of play and a mention of possible problems that someone with a handicap might be able to work around or pass the game by waiting for a more handicap friendly game. Are cheats available? Please mention the controls suggested by the developer as well as any other control system that can be easily adapted to make the game playable by wider audience. Perhaps a standardized format would make for a quicker and complete review.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Alright GMMan enjoy your holiday. Remember I can help ya out. I'm sure Whiterabbit's addition for the FAQ will be nice. I suggest you add a list of key admin and Mod forum members that people can contact in need of help. And you can stay in contact with me, Whiterabbit, or any other mod or admin that will update the forum topic for the guide.
Posted 15 years ago # -
May you ALL enjoy the Holidays!!!!!
A VERY, VERY, VERY, Big THANK YOU to all the people who have worked so hard, for all of us, over the past year!!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Posted 15 years ago # -
Hi GMMan, is this a work in progress? I hope so. :)
Posted 14 years ago # -
Ahh. I was thinking of getting the main guide revamped, but I'm waiting on Chip for a template and I also have a whole bunch of other stuff I have to get to, which means progress will be slow. The good news is that next week is spring break, so I'll have a lot of time to do stuff.
Posted 14 years ago #
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