Discover French video games at exceptional prices with Le Game Bundles, a selection of downloadable video games that has been put together for Gamescom 2013.France is the partner country at Gamescom 2013, the European video game expo for professionals and consumers. “Le Game”, which promotes the French video game industry on the international scene, is launching three bundled packages for the general public to discover what France has to offer. 15 games from 14 French companies will be showcased in this international video game expo for 10 days, at a discount.
Consumers will be able to download three bundles of five different games between August 21-31....
Excerpt from
Get the bundles:
Games in the casual Bundle:
Age of Enigma: The Secret of the 6th Ghost
Tiny Token Empires Deluxe
Dracula 4Buying this Bundle will get you:
Steam key and a DRM-free master: FLY'N
DRM-free master: Tiny Token Empire Deluxe, Age of Enigma: The Secret of the 6th Ghost, Dracula 4, bOxOn
Price: € 8.90
Games in the hardcore Bundle:
Stellar Impact
Red Johnson's Chronicles
Blocks That Matter
Shad'OBuying this Bundle will get you:
Steam key and a DRM-free master: Blocks That Matter, Shad’O and Puddle
DRM-free master: Red Johnson Chronicle
Serial key and master: Stellar Impact
Price: € 8.90
Games in the Mobiles Bundle:
A selection of 5 french mobiles and tablets games with a special Gamescom 60% discount
Asterix Mégabaffe (Bulkypix)
Blade Lords (Playsoft)
Mothership Touch Battle (SillyCat Studio)
Squids Wild West (The Game Bakers)
Puddle (Neko Entertainment)
Besides that, here is a list for Steam deals I couldn't find in the Steam news:
Games from Paris August 19th - 26th
I get only the German site of the store, so I don't know the prices for other regions, normally $ prices are much lower :(