Had no difficulty opening game after running oalinst.exe first (64bit Windows 7). I found it very annoying that clicking 'continue' closed the game and that exiting the game automatically opens big fish games in my browser. Novel concept, but quite easy to play--I successfully completed all levels in less than two hours. It would be nice if the game window could be re-sized and/or played full-screen. [In order to see the whole game screen, the toolbar had to be moved.] Also, directions for fighting seemed to be absent, but repeatedly clicking on intruders worked. Spoiler alert: ending screen was quite anti-climactic "to be continued." A congratulations screen for successfully traversing the United States possibly listing the travel time and number of bandits/Indigenes fought might make more sense. To increase game difficulty, the bandits could kill workers or loot gold in addition to looting iron and removing train tracks. Overall, a pleasant game, but not exciting/challenging enough to replay.