None of the true evaluations of the K-LM program are receiving any interest at least interest is not being reflected in positive votes on the comments.
Today's download works, has a good user interface and is easy to set up, and a few people have commented on how to use the program for constructive purposes - not spam.
It is a shame that very few comments reflect the quality of the K-LM program itself. We know that the votes at the top of the page are bogus and do not reflect user's experience with the program. It is easy enough to ignore the votes at the top of the page and encourage people that have used the program and are reporting on it to continue to give program details. Intelligent questions should be welcomed as well. To get a negative vote all that must occur is that the comment includes a question.
The GOTD rules state that you can not ask questions of the program's technical support people. Other than the GOTD website, where can someone ask a legitimate question? Plenty of questions asked here are garbage but there are plenty of other questions that bring up important and useful points.
I have rather extensive experience using two prior versions of the K-LM program and I have used today's GOTD downloaded program to send out a requested newsletter.
I have commented on what I believe are some useful features of this and similar programs. We can accept the fact that if questions are not asked on this website then there is really no place to ask the question and stay within the GOTD rules. And it goes on. I ignore votes that simply reflect the usefulness of a program for a particular user.
It is not difficult to look at a program and make a snap decision of whether there will be many GOTD users that have interest in or disdain the program or some personal reason.
Instead of trying to change the behavior of people voting on this page why not move program comments to a place in the forums?