They are definitely not losing any money off that deal. I am not buying 6 games off them a month. I never even bought 6 games in a month off gamehouse or realarcade.
The most I ever got off gamehouse was 5 (and three of them games this month were free). Thanks to the nice and understanding people at gamehouse/real. I got two free funtickets and one coupon code for Five Card Frenzy (a game that I can no longer play that I bought for $9.99 in 2007 on gamehouse because of the change). I got more off Real for one game than they are giving for buying 6.
Bigfish must want your money really bad. Switch to (I don't think they would ever have a ridiculous promotion like that though). You have to pay full price for games when you are not a member of the bigfish club and that is $19.99 right? It's just a matter of time before all those people that are getting 6 games a month are going to run out of games to get.
You only get one for buying 6?