No problem Marcie. Thank you for saying that though.
Tomorrow's game
No problem Marcie. Thank you for saying that though.
Tomorrow's game
Tomorrow's game
Tomorrow's free game
That's the 3rd time they are giving away that game since I've been doing this. The last time my game froze in the last section and I could never finish it.
Free game for tomorrow is (That is one you will enjoy. My first farm game that I purchased). It is a good game.
Tomorrow's free game
Tomorrow is a good one if you don't already have it.
Tomorrow's game is
I can not download Sally's salon, can you? I think, something is wrong with the website itself :(
I already own Sally's Salon so I didn't bother with the ad version. There would be no sense to it.
anyone playing the Margave manor; the lost ship?
I am actually enjoying it, although it got horrendous reviews at both bigfish and gamezebo
The Mary Celeste game was AWFUL(IMHO) though and some seemed to have liked it.....just goes to show!
Tomorrow's free game is
Sorry about my lateness.
I missed out on the Mary Celeste game; am downloading the Margrave Manor one, right now. The Mary Celeste game sounded like a good one. I might just download the trial and see if I like it; may buy it if I do.
Free game for tomorrow is
Babylonia is a Match 3 game.
If you have Jewel Match 2, you might not want to bother with the download since this is about 95% the same..... right down to the sound effects. Didn't pay any attention to who 'owns' it, but if it's the same creator, he's getting some bang for his buck hahaha
The historical story of the Mary Celeste with it's many interpretations and speculations I have always found fascinating.
As for the game, at first I was pleased with how good the graphics were and how sensitively they approached the story.
HOWEVER it was just ho hum by the time the end came(YET it COULD have been excellent)
I won't spoil it for anyone but I feel that they ran out of ideas LONG before the game ended.
Free game for tomorrow is
Oh good I always wanted to try Pure Hidden.
Tomorrow's game is
They now have a new download manager. It probably will be useful to some. I downloaded it. It says I have 34 games realarcade/gamehouse games installed. (You can download it from there). I like it, but it is not showing all of them. I know I have Farm Mania 2 from gamehouse and it isn't coming up. That is the only one I can think of now.
Thanks for the info Michelle. I have already downloaded it and it will be very handy.
Darn, Michelle...I missed out on Pure Hidden. I forgot all about checking for your updates, until I will be getting Big Kahuna 2, though. I got the first through freebie.
Tomorrow's game is
I got the first one through amazon too. Not my kind of game. I been playing Turbo Subs and Turbo Fiesta from Bigfishgames. I am a little reluctant to get Turbo Pizza. The only one I haven't gotten yet. The Turbo's were all payed or I would tell you how you get them. I bet Turbo Subs, but I think Turbo Fiesta is harder.
I didn't get a chance to check this today so it was a pleasant surprise to see Pahelika - Secret Legends was today's game. I've wanted that one for a long time.
Michelle, I just Googled and found Turbo games are Time Management games. After having played some of Jane's Hotel, I'm not really fond of time management games. The more upgrades you add, the faster you have to be. I did feel the game developers weren't very logical when planning 2 people to run the whole business, when in real life it would be done very differently. Jane, i.e., is doing things guests could/would be doing themselves, like getting their own newspaper off the easily-seen stack right there beside the front desk. Likewise with their coffee, TV viewing, etc. Jane and the maid are both really over worked...(chuckle).
BTW, thanks for the continued game notices. Sometimes I forget to come by and check, but still you've posted them, and I appreciate that. :D
ROsnSC, I suggest you to get diner dash series if you are willing to try more time management games. They are more logical and well planned. Although some levels are realy hard to pass, it is also fun. I tried Turbo and Jane series, as well. But, diner dash is different.
Today's game is Relic Hunt again.
Foodengineer, I played Diner Dash, sometime ago, and did find I liked it. If GameHouse, or other, offers it I may just get it.
Today is Poker Superstars II (a repeat). (game for tomorrow)
And an apology. Sorry for my lateness. I haven't been on the computer all that much these last few days.
I have the new Diner Dash Boom Collector's Edition from Bigfish and it is a really good one. I think if you like the old ones you'll love this one. They added new things such as when it rains or is windy umbrella's. There is also this one hood (umbrella) that falls down in it and you have to find the guy and put him down to put it back up.
Here is a peak at the special content in the collector's edition. I also heard it comes with 5 more levels.
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