I really hate it when an offer on GOTD meets the requirements of a scam. We have had products offered before that turned into trial versions after they have been downloaded and activated within GOTD's 24-hour period for a variety of reasons.
Probably the most common reason for the conversion of a program from "registered and usable" to "trial" is updating the program from the offered version to a newer release. This can happen by an uninformed user seeing an opportunity to update a program and innocently taking advantage of the program update dangled before him. Probably more commonly there is an automatic update built into a program that continuously checks a server to see if an updated version of the program is available. There is a variation to these scenarios but the end result is the same. BAM! A supposedly workable version of a program has been transferred into a trial version which is limited in scope and the time interval in which the program will function.
The most recent example for me of a program being transferred from "workable" to "trial" is "SliceMaker". Nine days ago (06 June 2013) "SliceMaker" was offered on GOTD. Judging the program by the comments that were posted on the GOTD website "SliceMaker" fell into the un-recommended column. The program in general was poorly received for a variety of reasons. Some of the reasons were silly while others were earnest . This evening I had the opportunity to put the "SliceMaker" program to use. When I opened "SliceMaker" I was immediately presented with an error message. The error message said that I was on day 10 of 7 day trial.
I correctly installed and activated SliceMaker during the prescribed GOTD offering. After installation I made no effort to update the program. In fact the only time I used the program before this evening was immediately after I installed it. Actually the error message was an error within itself. It was only nine days since the program's installation. My major point is that an offer was made on GOTD, a proper installation and activation of the program followed and my installation of the program changed from something that was supposed to work into a mess. I got an error message telling me that I exceeded the trial period and I had a program that I cannot even open. I do not blame GOTD for the scam but I can now better appreciate the reasons behind the many negative comments that the program received.