There are quite a lot of games that have been updated over the past few months from most of the bundles and Indie Game Stand.
The following list was compiled by one of my Steam friends called Alex:
Darkout – Available directly from Groupees on your accounts page. Listed under Build a Greenlight Bundle 2. -
OOZI: Earth Adventure – Game not out yet, but keys can be obtained if you purchased through Groupees. Listed under the Build a Greenlight Bundle (1). May come soon to Indieroyale Valentine 2.0 bundle. Though its not out, it activates, and appears you can play it. -
The Cat Lady – Available directly from Groupees on your accounts page. Listed under the Be Mine Anniversary bundle. -
Mutant Mudds – Available directly from IndieRoyale on your accounts page. Listed under the Harvest Bundle. -
Postmortem: one must die – Keys coming soon if you purchased through Groupees. Bundle of the Damned 2. -
Bridge It (plus) - Steam keys aviable from the Flying Welcome Bundle (thats where i got mine)
The game was in other bundles and promotions, check the wiki to see where you could find your key:
The Wham Bam Bundle will not get keys as it was a scam and the devs never saw any money. So if you got it from there youre out of luck.
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage - If you preordered the main game from the devs page: you can pick your Key up from your humble page, just like they did with the shadow warrior one! - Very cool that they provide this for free for preorderers =)
Wasteland 2 - If you Kickstarted this and pledged more than 55 USD, get to your Rangercenter and get your Beta Key! - - Kickstarter post about it:
Race The Sun - If you kickstarted or preordered this, you can claim your Steam Key from the Games Website through your flippfly account:
Starbound - If you preordered you can pick your Key up from
Zigfrak - This game has been in many bundles and promotions, the Devs are very nice and made a really cool overview where and how to get your keys: - Thread about Keys: - I wish every Dev would be so proactive and helpfull =)
Tales of Maj'Eyal - This was in at least 2 bundles. - - This thread tells you how to activate your steam code, its a bit complicated but it works: - Be aware that if you activate the game from a bundle code, you have no way to purchase the dlc at the moment!
Wooden Sen'SeY - They give Keys to bundle buyers even tough they never made it through Greenlight, Thread here: - Desura Key page:
Particulars - Keys are on Groupees from the BeMine9 Bundle: - Thread about Keys:
NEO Scavenger - If you got a Desura Key - - for it you can redeem it on the Games website and claim a Steam Key, Instructions: -
Still waiting on:
Spaceforce Constellations - This was in a Groupees Bundle and gave Keys for Gamersgate. Complete silence so far from the developers... -
Finding Teddy – The Devs are STILL in the process of distributing keys to desura/groupees, there WILL be keys they said, just wait a bit longer...hopefully. Thread:
Maia - Keys for Kickstarter Backers are up on the backer site: