I downloaded this four times... all four it seems to load like a broken puzzle? Pieces out of whack... don't get the correct screen. Anyone else having this problem? It activates and "loads", but the graphics are all garbled.
I downloaded this four times... all four it seems to load like a broken puzzle? Pieces out of whack... don't get the correct screen. Anyone else having this problem? It activates and "loads", but the graphics are all garbled.
What Video card do you have installed in your computer?
- If you aren't sure
Under System Summary, open Components->Display
It will be listed next to Adapter Type, Adapter Description, and Adapter RAM
Adapter Type ATI RAGE Mobility P/M AGP 2X (A21/2), ATI Technologies, Inc. compatible
Adapter Description ATI RAGE Mobility
Adapter RAM 8.00 MB (8,388,608 bytes)
Thanks BuBBy!
Not sure if there are driver updates available on those. But a bit of reading the ATI RAGE cards/chips aren't strangers to the infamous checkerboard problem.
Easiest thing to try - go into your display properties and change the color from 16bit to 32bit. Failing that - try for a driver update.
Failing that... go buy a new computer with a different video card installed. (I never said that).
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