after being away from this site for a few months I downloaded Annies Millions yesterday but when I came to installing I could not get the readme and extraction files when I clicked on the finished download. I reinstalled the game(no change) and then re-connected my internet connection as well but still nothing. Anyone have any idea what went wrong. I had just completed a download from PlayCity earlier in the day.
I have Windows 7 and use Getright (have for years)
unable to complete download
(2 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 11 years ago #
Hi Joybar, sorry I missed this on the day. you should ghave posted in the comments section of the game giveaway. I don't have time to check the forums over the weekend period.
It could be the relatively new security software that'ss bundled with the giveaways now. It was introduced to stop users ripping the games off. (There's loads of You tube videos telling you how it could be done, but these are now useless. :)
You may need to configure your security software to allow th file from the giveaway package (setup.gcd). Or failing that, temporarily turn off your security till you've installed the game.
I did staret a thread in these forums specifically for this game HERE. also, try to place your posts in the appropriate thread. As it was concerning a game, it would have been more appropriatte posted in the game discussion forums. Also be more specific in the title. More users may have helped if they knew it was releated to the gamegiveaway as opposed to a non specific installation issue. :)
I've moved this to the game discussion forums.
Posted 11 years ago #
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