I've been playing the game named in my title for several weeks off and on. I have completed about 75% of the game. Yesterday when I attempted to go to the main menu and quit the game I got a message saying my save game file was corrupted and would be deleted. What!?. Now it looks like I have to start a whole new game. Any hope for recovering my saved game?
Mystery Trackers-The Four Aces game save file deleted
(6 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 11 years ago #
[s]Probably not unless you've saved more than once. Also if you run any program likle acronis or Genie timeline that was given away last year, you may be able to recover the saved file, also try a restore point.
Posted 11 years ago # -
This game really doesn't give you a save option. I don't have either of those programs. It's a bummer if a game has only a single save file. So far I haven't even been able to figure out where the file is located. If so maybe I could back it up each day.
Posted 11 years ago # -
Hi rta, the saves may be found in a few places. The usual place is in my Documents, or in a folder called My Games within the My Documents folder.
Game saves are also stored in app data folder which is a hidden folder. You will first need to go to control panel change the view to small icons then click on the folder options then click on the view tab. Scroll down to where it says 'Hidden Files & Folders' and make sure you've clicked on the 'show hidden files, folders and drives option. This will then make the appsdata folder visible. you can find it by clicking on your account name via the start menu (I'm assuming you are using Win 7 - it will be slightly different for XP, and I can't say for Win 8 yet as I've not installed my copy yet).
Account name (in my case Stephen)This opens up a window that shows you various folders such as the download folder, contacts, desktop etc. click on the appdata folder. Inside you should see three folders called Local, Local low and Roaming. open up the Local folder and see if you can find a folder that correlates with the name of your game. If you find one, there's a good chance you'll find a save folder within that folder.
If not you could also try searching through the registry. Sometime save data may be stored there as well. To open the registry editor type in regedit, then click on edit (from the tool bar along the top) and select find.
Type in appropriate key words to search through the registry. To save any data just right click on the left hand hive and select export (only export the folder concerned with the game and save); you'll need to name the registry file and decide where you want it saved to.
selecting export
naming the registry fileThat will save an executable registry file. Make sure you click on My computer at the top of the hive before you start the search to make sure a full search of the rtegistry is carried out.
I hope the above helps. :)
Posted 11 years ago # -
This will then make the appsdata folder visible. you can find it by clicking on your account name via the start menu (I'm assuming you are using Win 7 - it will be slightly different for XP, and I can't say for Win 8 yet as I've not installed my copy yet).
If it helps at all, with the view options set to show hidden & system files [might want to also show filename extensions] using Windows' Explorer...
In Vista/win7/8, in the C:\Users folder you'll see All Users, your particular user name, & Public folders. All Users mirrors the ProgramData folder, & in XP you'll find the equivalent contents under C:\ Documents and Settings\ All Users\ Application Data.
Again in Vista/7/8, if you go to your user name folder under C:\Users you'll see an AppData folder with sub-folders for Local, LocalLow, & Roaming... If/when an app's going to store anything under your user name, most often it's in that Roaming folder, which in XP would be C:\ Documents and Settings\ [UserName]\ Application Data\. It's rare to use LocalLow, & Local corresponds to C:\ Documents and Settings\ [UserName]\ Local Settings\ Application Data in XP.
For documents, XP has C:\ Documents and Settings\ [UserName]\ My Documents & for public or shared stuff C:\ Documents and Settings\ All Users\ Shared Documents. In Vista/7/8 you might see Libraries with My Documents and Public Documents sub-folders up top on the left in Windows Explorer, with your user name below it with a My Documents sub-folder. In the Users folder you'll see My Documents under your user name, & Public Documents are in the Public folder.
At any rate that's how they map out between 7 & XP. What I do when monitoring isn't possible, is I install the game or app in a Windows install that hasn't had that game or app installed before -- I usually use a VM [Virtual Machine] but it works as well in regular Windows. Then after for example starting the game, entering a name, & playing a few minutes, I shut the game down & go looking... Using Windows' Explorer I'll start with that game's folder, sorting everything by date/time -- a file with a date & time matching when I entered the info or quit is a great indication that's the saved game &/or configuration file. A folder with an updated or new file will also usually show the that latest time/date. Then I do the same with the folders I talked about earlier. And once I know what to look for, I'll go to the PC or Windows install where I'm trying to find the saved data or game or whatever. It's likely not the best way, but it works for me.
Posted 11 years ago # -
Thanks guys for the help. I believe I did find the game save file in the Roaming folder as mikiem suggested. I had emailed BigFish games and they suggested I run the game in admin mode which I did today. I'm planning on backing up the save file each day and I might even experiment by replacing the file with an older backup to see if the game reverts back.
Thanks again
Posted 11 years ago #
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