BTW anyone moderating - the site does have option to enter US addresses...
hit telecharger (green button) and put 0 in the ZoneAlarm Extended Download Service and ZoneAlarm Backup CD feilds and then click grey button Mettre total à jour (next to red button Reglement)
Then the page will update to $0:00 - then click Reglement button
prenom is first name, nom is last name, ville is city - the rest is pretty self explanatory.
uncheck tick mark where it says Veuillez m’avertir par e-mail des mises à jour de produits et des actualités relatives à la sécurité. Nous ne communiquerons pas votre adresse électronique à des tierces parties.
so you don't get newsletters
click continuer (another red button) once you fill out your address, etc
okay i went further and they still want a credit card number to set up an account - so in the end that's up to you - I couldn't care less about ZoneAlarm - get Avira for free - it's better anyway
BTW - I'm not French - I just play one on television... (joke)