I want to tell you a little story.
I have purchased the Indie Face Kick II on November 26th, 2012. I have received my links, etc. and I have tried from the first day to download the bundled games. I have a lot of difficulties for obtaining the files, as I told the bundle administrator (or something) Nathaniel Richardson in this message, in November 27th:
Hi, I have purchased the IFK2, but downloading the games are extremely difficult. The speed of downloading begins in -50 kb/s and a few minutes later, it becomes zero, nothing happens for hours... Only Desert Gunner were downloaded, the rest is impossible. What can I do? Thanks!!!!
To what Richardson answers (same day):
I am sorry your downloads are slow. You can try chrome with download manager, and maybe that will help.
Hope you can get them that way, please let me know.
After retrying, I wrote again (December 7th):
Hello Nathaniel,After many days of trials and errors, I was able to download Adam's Venture, Desert Gunner, Hard Truck: Apocalypse and The Entente: Battlefields World War. I have tried Hellforces and Operation Matriarchy, and also the All Games link, unsuccessfully. A few days ago, each time I re-try, an "oops" page appears, it says "Web Site Unavailable" and I think I definitively won't be able to download my last two games, despite my efforts.
What can I do now?
No answer.
In January 10th, I wrote:
Hello Nathaniel,This is a reminder of the mail I have send you a month ago. I hope you can answer this time! A copy is below.
Still no answer.
Today I've tried the original bundle link, along with the IFK site and GamingAllTheTime site (also by Richardson), and all of them are down, with a message who says: "This Account Has Been Suspended", I guess from the hosting provider.
Well, apparently, IFK is not free of problems with developers (cf. Indie Face Kick vs. Biart), but I wish to know if any of you had experienced the same thing as customer. And what can I or we do, besides publishing it.