I've been waiting with bated breath for the demo to open. It was promised that if you pre-order the game you'd get early access t the demo. Well it was finally opened about 2 hours ago, and I've been playing it to death.
The game play is much like the previous Left 4 Dead, but there are lots of differences. The demo mission looks clean and is in a maze of narrow steets with access (as usual) to lots of buildings. Now there are more weapons available. You start the game with the usual SMG amd shotgun, but are soon introduced to your first melee weapon, the frying pan. lol. It's pretty effective and great when theres a shed load of zombies trying to eat your face off.
There's a greater variety of zombies with some different effects. One shoots a green goo that's almost phosphorescent. You lose health if you happen to get hit or are standing in it.
The intro movie is great, but I'm sure after several viewings it'll no longer be entertaining. The demo has been available aross the pond for a day now, so there's probably going to be more You Tube videos of the demo game play and the intro movie. Here's a few too keep you entertained :)
The interface has also had a face lift, and theres more modes of play (for example Scavenger)
Overall I'm pleased with the game and can't wait to check out the rest of the maps. I'm also looking forwards to having a coop match with other giveaway users when they buy the game. :)
p.s. pavid, we should see if the multiplayer is active and have a go this weekend. I don't know anyone else thats pre-ordered it yet though.
I miss the old characters, but it gives a fresh feel to the game seeing a new bunch of characters.