Just curious, I spend time writing comments and reviews on the software, my comments and reviews are no different or less useful than anyone else's, and I have written plenty of comments and reviews in the past, but for the past three days they have been deleted from the comments section after I have posted them and they show up as waiting for moderation. This is giving me a complex, someone here has decided I am not good enough to comment anymore?
Why are my comments being deleted?
(36 posts) (9 voices)-
Posted 15 years ago #
I'm confused gmon. They showed up as good comments and then showed up later as awaiting moderation? Or am I misunderstanding you? Personally, some of my less than popular stuff has sometimes disappeared from the forums, but I've never had the type of experience you're talking about - at least I'm guessing that you're talking about - in the comments section. ???
Posted 15 years ago # -
For the past two days I've left comments in the new scoring section yet only one comment was moderated and that one made reference to one of my other comments because I'd written it in the wrong place. Strange as I thought the comments I'd left were appropriate.
Posted 15 years ago # -
watcher13, when I send the comment, it shows up as normal, awaiting moderation, then if I come back later on, it is gone, so it was obviously deleted. Sorry for the confusion. I can't try it today since I won't be commenting on todays' GOTD, I have no need of yet another re-branded video app.
WR, it is strange, maybe the moderator is bored and playing russian roulette with the comments..
Posted 15 years ago # -
Well there's also the issue of the spam filter - I forget the name - that bbpress uses. As I read their stuff, it's more of a dynamic formula than a bunch of static rules. All the comments are sent through their servers. Of course, the actual formula(s) are proprietary and so kept secret. Even though some insist it can't, I don't see any reason why their system can't sometimes go off the rails. I'm not necessarily saying that explains all the odd occurrences, but I wouldn't be surprised if it might explain some.
Posted 15 years ago # -
I left a totally innocuous comment yesterday just to experiment and it's not there either.
I will need to see a shrink to deal with this persecution complex GOTD has given me!!
Posted 15 years ago # -
You'd think it had to definitely go through or you wouldn't get the moderation message. But maybe it isn't making it all the way through. Have you considered PMing Bubby? He might be able to shed some light. He might have seen them and have some insight. Or he might find them in the spam "bucket" and confirm that the spam filter doesn't like you. Or, if he doesn't see them at all, it would confirm that there are connection issues and the comments aren't punching all the way through.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Hi all,
This is off-topic, but somewhat related (in terms of weird things happening on the GOTD site.) Lately, I've been noticing that there have been some "unknown beings," for lack of a better term, who are plagiarizing people's GOTD GiveAway review comments.
It happened to me twice (and I was heavily criticized by many mean-spirited people yesterday) for making a genuine, well-intentioned statement about this plagiarizm issue. People incorrectly thought I was being "snobby" or "superior" in my attitude, which was totally far from my intent - and I was not given the benefit of the doubt.
In any case, today also, I notice that somebody has plagiarized (word-for-word0 part of Ashraf's review - so there are "unknown forces" out there who are trying very hard to "hi-jack" the good work being done by everyone on GOTD - and it does not look like it will stop anytime soon, unfortunately.
This not only is as serious security issue, but it's also one that will jeopardize the trust that all GOTD community members potentially have with one another - for if dishonest people plagiarize the words of others, then how will we know who said what or meant what, etc. Am I getting my point across clearly? I hope so.
Surely, there must be some "editing/screening/monitoring mechanism that GOTD can employ, in order to minimize these plagiarizm occurrences.
Just thought I'd share this bit of trivia with everyone, in case you're interested.
HappyPosted 15 years ago # -
You're probably aware that this has happened before, Happy. Bubby usually deletes them when he catches them, but, of course, he can't be the moderator 24/7/365. As for an automated mechanism, maybe, though it hasn't happened enough over the months for GOTD to have probably thought of it.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Happy Person - From what I saw, I thought someone had posted comments using a name that was similar or the same as the name under which you post, but the comments in question had been deleted before I looked, and all I saw were replies to a complaint made about someone using the name of Happy Person. I doubt there is much I could do if someone chose to post comments using the same name I use. I have seen plenty of comments by people called Mike or Phil, for example, and they aren't all the same person..
Plagiarism is a different matter, but I don't see what GOTD can do about that unless they try to verify every word written by every poster in the comments section. Maybe it's just as innocuous as someone copying a review they liked and reposting it and forgetting to give credit where it is due?
All I know is that I can't comment at all! arghh! I did PM Bubby about the spam filter, thanks watcher13 for your advice.
Posted 15 years ago # -
I hit enter, the comment shows up waiting for moderation, and then hours later it is gone like it never happened. I don't comment on every GOTD, but if I do, it's to say something useful. I doubt the participating companies would like it if they knew people are being prevented from presenting opinions about their software. Oh well, so long, off to better things.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Hi gmon - same issue here - let me know if you find a good therapist!
BTW, I think you made an excellent point when you said "I doubt the participating companies would like it if they knew people are being prevented from presenting opinions about their software."
Kind of skews the whole concept...
Posted 15 years ago # -
I'm sorry, gmon, but I don't think you're being logical. Software IS getting slammed over there, and even personal attacks are sneaking by. Yet, the people who are saying they're getting censored insist their comments are tasteful, and some have said their positive comments are not getting through. Doesn't that suggest anything? I'm sure this is technical and not censorship. Honestly, when it comes to personal attacks over there, more censorship is always welcome, in my view. I'm surprised it's not occurring to more people that this started when the new system was implemented. As an experienced troubleshooter, that tells me it's a technical problem. Notice, also, that we're not getting frequent (are we getting any?) complaints about people being not getting through to the game page. That's because the game page has not been redesigned.
Please let's not throw the word censorship around when - if you look at what does get through - that charge REALLY doesn't add up.
The one thing I've noticed is that the new page registers whether you're logged in to the forums or not. I haven't put any comments into the breakdown section. Is it possible there's problems with the logins? Has anybody that's having problems noticed whether they're being shown as logged in or not when their comments are not going through? I don't know that the problems are that simple, but a lot of the people who are getting through over there are not forum members. Maybe there's some problem, some corruption, with the account login system. When Whiterabbit says he has trouble getting through.... Sheesh! Censoring Stephen? Surely not!
Also, I don't have the blind faith in the spam filter many here seem to have.
The other thing - in this context it has to be said - since when is moderation over there - Bubby excluded - conscientiously run, anyway? (Actually, it will be interesting to see if that last sentence survives over here.)
In any case, sorry folks, but in my 30 some years as at least a part time technician, I can honestly say I've actually heard of that rumored phenomenon: the dreaded "glitch" (gasp!). LOL.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Let me add that I've been noticing that there have been less comments overall, in my unscientific observations, since the redesign. That's partly because the breakdown section is, not inappropriately, taking commenters away from the general section, but I highly suspect it's more because of the "gremlins" I suspect are inhabiting this new system. Today, for example, combining the sections I count only 9 people who have commented, as I write this. Sometimes that's because GOTD staff don't always pick up the moderating ball after Bubby has done his part. But, usually, that shows in the time. Today, however, those 9 posts where spread out over at least 4 hours, and usually, you get a significant amount more when it's daytime in the Pacific and the Indian subcontinent.
Still smells like glitch to me.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Hi all, first, let me say that I am now able to post my comments (thus far) successfully (yippeeee!) on the GOTD site.
Also, I always post my comments when I am logged on as Happy Person (both in the general giveaway section and the in the 7-category detailed breakdown comment sections.
I'm not sure if this information will be helpful to you (probably not), but I thought I would share with you what my experience (lately) has been.
Happy Person (aka - Inas)Posted 15 years ago # -
Thanks for the info., Happy. If you were always logged in when you posted unsuccessfully, then that's obviously not it. But, since you said that you emailed GOTD and they likely have fixed it, I think it just reinforces my belief that most of this is technical problems with the new system. I mean, after all, does anybody really think that they would censor Whiterabbit? Or that Stephen has ever even posted anything that anyone would even consider needed censoring. Yeah, and I believe in the Easter Bunny, too. LOL! Maybe you should just email them, gmon, and say you're having a technical problem getting your comments through.
Posted 15 years ago # -
If it helps your self-confidence, mods and even admins are "censored" too - not only WRabbit.
Posted 15 years ago # -
You are?!? What have you been saying, NBL? PM me all the censored stuff! Juicy! Just kidding. Couldn't resist. :)
Posted 15 years ago # -
It's rather odd that "admins" would be censored, as I thought (maybe mistakenly so) that they are in charge of the policies and protocols of the GOTD site? Maybe not.
Wow, we learn something new everyday. By the way, I am using Typing Assistant to type this message now, and it is working very nicely. I like this program a lot.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Only BuBBy can help himself and save his comment from the bin.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Well, Happy, like I've said in other threads, there's really only two that I know of that aren't GOTD staff - Bubby and Whiterabbit - and Stephen doesn't even have full privileges. Really, GOTD staff control the policies and procedures on the main page. Bubby just provides - high quality - volunteer moderation.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Watcher13, let me clarify what I meant by my above comments -
I was not in any way referring to Bubby, WhiteRabbit, or Graylox. When I said "admins", I was referring to the GOTD staff - since Graylox said that the "admins" are also censored. So, to me, "admins" means GOTD staff, but maybe I'm wrong? :)
HappyPosted 15 years ago # -
Sorry, I meant the "administrators" of our forums. The person called "admin" in the PM address bar is one of the "big bosses" behind the curtains - he may and can everything (I assume - besides restoring my "graylox" as it broke, therefore I have two names for one account; maybe he found the name "notblocklox" cooler ? )
Posted 15 years ago # -
Maybe you're right. I thought Graylox primarily meant Bubby. Or maybe she meant moderators instead of full admins. I wasn't aware that she had full admin privileges. The only other full admin I know about is the mysterious "admin" - "keymaster" who pops up ocassionally here. I assume that's GOTD staff. Maybe the head person. Most stuff about GOTD staff is kept a "deep, dark secret" as I've complained about before. Why would they censor themselves? Surely, it's their policies they're enforcing. They can't follow their own policies? I think we're all just misunderstanding one another.
Posted 15 years ago # -
I spend time writing comments and reviews on the software,Me to you talk about GOTD front Page download of the day I guess ? long time no post now ok so far,I did think I was on the black list?
Posted 15 years ago # -
I think that's another misunderstanding, hotdoge. I don't think you're on any black list. If you're having trouble posting comments, I assume it's a technical issue.
Posted 15 years ago # -
A month gone by - no comment or other action taken by GOTD moderators on this string.
I too am disappointed when I spend time to use and evaluate a program, conduct outside research when third-party information could be helpful to understanding my comment, and then write a comment - only to never see it posted on the comments page. I have tried very hard to post a comment only when I believe that the comment help others in their evaluation of the daily giveaway or as an answer to those having specific problems with the giveaway program. If 3 or 4 have already posted answers to a problem, I see no reason to add my answer to the pile. So I do not do that.
I am sure that I had never bashed a person and have been as charitable as possible in my evaluation of the given download. When I read through the comments on the GOTD product offering page, I see on a daily basis multiple rule infractions, comments filled with mudslinging and bashing an individual or an individual's idea, totally off-topic remarks, etc. unmoderated comments containing some or simultaneously all the above infractions. My comment, which usually has taken the considerable time to write, gets bumped time and time again. As a veteran bumpie I have been charitable in my words, even if not in my thoughts, to the bumper because my comments usually are made late in the day. Late in the day day comments may be presented to a tired and worn-out moderator so I have given the bumper polite latitude in his actions for cutting my comment. I have done so because I felt that the bumper is probably too exhausted to moderate any more comments. And then, I see a half-dozen more comments posted after the time that I submitted my own comment.
I believe that the people that have previously posted comments on this topic would only posts constructive comments. I believe the same individuals make up the core supporters for the English GOTD program. Why disappoint and insult this group? Also, why not have the person or persons responsible for deleting posts leave a reason for their actions. Then we would know that our dumped comments were the result of a deliberate action and that they did not just fall through the cracks.
Intermittent reinforcement develops the behavior that is the most difficult of all conditioned responses to extinguish. That is what I have been given - intermittent reinforcement. So I will probably try a comment once again on another day.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Hi Bigun and others, hope you are all doing well. First of all, I wish everyone (and your families) a very happy, healthy new year.
Second, with respect to comments not being posted - I know that when I try to post comments via AOL, it does not work sometimes, and also, the "awaiting moderation" queue message does not show up at all, so I'm not sure whether my comment went through successfully (and it's just a problem with the message) or whether my comments did not go through at all.
You may want to try Firefox, which is what I use now, and it works like a charm. Not only do my comments go through successfully, but I also see the "awaiting moderation" message every time.
That said, if it's not a web brower issue - you may want to contact the GOTD admin staff directly, via the online "contact form." I did this back when I was having problems with my comments, and the GOTD admin staff were very nice and helpful. Maybe they can give you some helpful suggestions. It's just a thought.
In summary - wishing everyone a very happy, healthy, safe, successful new year, and may peace reign supreme (all over the world) in 2010.
InasPosted 15 years ago # -
Hi Bigun, I was semi-out of touch or I would have responded earlier. I hope it's working better for you now.
First, please remember there are different moderators for the forums than there are for the comments page. With one exception, all the moderators on the comments page (not counting the games page, which is all Whiterabbit) are GOTD staff. The opposite here is true. With, I believe one exception, all the moderators on the forums are volunteers. Really, the two aren't related. It's apples and oranges. I say this because, we've found you can't assume that GOTD will react to anything in these forums. We think they read at least some of the forum threads, but we've had very little evidence of this, because GOTD prefers to play "that man behind the curtain" and keep most of what they do a closely guarded secret. Unfortunate, but I believe true.
I posted to say that I believe GOTD is working on the comments page. Of course, they won't admit to it. LOL. As I said in another post, I believe the litmus test was the TINY number of comments that got through for a short amount of time. Less than 20 in more than one instance. That's just not normal. That strikes me a as a technical problem. The software on those days couldn't be THAT bad. I'm not sure some of it wasn't better than average. We've certainly had worse. I believe the more message getting through now indicate that they're working on it. And some of the comments getting through contain negatives. Also, Bubby pointed out some questionable moderating practices - not related to censorship, but just plain laziness - and that might be what they've corrected. Or maybe both that and what I'm convinced are glitches. I'd say, "hang in there".
Posted 15 years ago # -
I appreciate the comments. I my situation may very well be a browser issue. I noticed a large number of comments today concerning a "bad gateway" error. I got the same error when I tried to download today's offer. I tried to download several times using Internet Explorer 7 and I consistently got the 502 bad gateway error. When I switched to Firefox 3 I was able to download today's offer, Inpaint, without any error message or problem.
"Happy Person", I believe about a month ago you were having similar problems and WhiteRabbit posted your reviews for you. If you found the problem was a browser issue, I will to agree that I am having technical problems as well.
Posted 15 years ago #
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