I'll be taking over Wizzards days this weeks. He needs to take a sabbatical this week, but will be back as normal in two weeks time. I'll try and post a game later this evening, or early morning, but it'll more likely be in the morning as it's been a long day.
In case you've missed my post about Direct 2 drive, there are some amazing bargains to be had this week, and some of the deals from previous weeks are still available. It's the final week of a five week spree by Direct 2 Drive. Battlestations Pacific which normally retails for nearly $50 and was only released several weeks ago is going for $5 as is Supreme Commander Gold, though the $5 version of Supreme commander is locked for Europe; however you can still buy it for the slightly more expensive cost of £5. Check out the dedicated thread for more titles. The deal ends next Monday.
All this week Empire Total War is available for half price and they are making the special forces additiom available as a DLC, with the addition of three new units that are not included in the original special forces version. (I'm hoping that those with the special forces will get these as an upgrade for free). :)