When I was in my Add/Remove menu, I noticed that some of the games I have played more than once are showing at a much higher MB count than they were originally. Does your computer save the whole game every time you play? If so, that will really fill up my hard drive.
I noticed something curious
(2 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 15 years ago #
Some of it may be configurations or cached puzzles. Also, many games allow downloaded additional games. I would look at the installed files and check the dates. That could tell you what was added.
Also, the MB count will be higher than the actual download you did because you downloaded a zip. The expanded version has to be higher as well as "gap" for allocation blocks. If you have an NTFS drive, your gaps (wasted) space will be far smaller than a FAT-32 drive. NTFS has a 4 kb minimum allocation while FAT-32 has 32 KB minimum allocation. BIIIIIIG difference!
Posted 15 years ago #
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