I finally took advantage of one of the $2.99 offers for today's game - Forgotten Riddles The Moonlight Sonatas. I played the 60 min demo and really liked it so I bought it. The clues are riddles rather than names or silhouettes and there are different kinds of puzzles on each level.
BFG's $2.99 game
(15 posts) (7 voices)-
Posted 15 years ago #
Hi, Terri218.
Thanks for the info. I was wondering about this offer, but couldn't find any information about the daily titles actually being offered. Did you have to download the tool bar before you found out what they were? (
Posted 15 years ago # -
Yes you have to download the toolbar and click on what's new. It gives you the game of the day and the code to enter to buy it for $2.99.
Posted 15 years ago # -
It's often also possible to find the information online. I found this one here: http://agameforeveryone.blogspot.com/
This is a hidden object game with some puzzles. Here is one review: http://jayisgames.com/archives/2008/07/forgotten_riddles_the_moonlight_sonatas.php
The code for this is moon299. Note that this is only good on July 30th.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Today's $2.99 game is shown on the main banner so you don't need the toolbar to find out. I guess you need it for the code though. It's the newest Azada game.
Posted 15 years ago # -
BFG AGAIN automatically entered me into their Game Club and Customer Service is now saying you HAVE to be a BFG member to buy a game. Since when? Beware if you buy a game from them, you HAVE to go into your account and cancel your membership within 30 days or you will be charged automatically for Game Club membership.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Just cancel it right after you buy the game, is what I do. It's right there for you to click on immediately.
Posted 15 years ago # -
I like that they are now posting them on their front page. The game for August 1st is Mystery in London(http://www.bigfishgames.com/download-games/2425/mystery-in-london/index.html). It is a hidden object game with mini-puzzles and is about searching for Jack the Ripper. Here is one review: http://www.gamezebo.com/games/mystery-london/review
I don't have and don't want the toolbar, but have had good success with finding the codes here: ---EDIT---No Codes Please--- However, they tend to go up a little later in the day and the one for this game isn't up yet.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Today's offering Blood Ties is the first one that I had already gotten from Gamehouse's free game of the day. It made me feel good that I saved $2.99.
Posted 15 years ago # -
BFG has extended this promotion.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Campy, May I ask what is No Codes Please? I couldn't find it on a search and it sounds like a site that I could use. Thanks
Posted 15 years ago # -
Hi 2sweetcamon, codes are not supposed to be posted, so either Campy has been following forum rules or a moderator has removed the codes.
These offeres usually always come with a price, be it giving up your email, joining a club scheme or having a toolbar installed. Rarely do you get something totally for free. :)
Just remember folks, if you want more original games, supporting your developers is always a good idea.
Posted 15 years ago # -
Sorry, I was that mean moderator.
Posted 15 years ago # -
2sweetcamom, as Whiterabbit suggested, the forum moderator (notblocklox) edited my post and I have not been posting new codes since I realized that was the rule here. I must say in this case I think it is unfortunate. These tend to be older games and they aren't free. They are still getting $2.99. I have bought a few of these and also have bought several full price games from BFG. When we discuss BFG on forums like these, that word of mouth does provide them a form of advertising. In the past, BFG has given away or charged 99 cents for games like these as a promotion for their site.
Also, I consider installing a toolbar a high price to pay for a discount on a few older or second tier games. The tool bar continually uses system resources and screen space and opens your computer to potential malware. At least so far, this toolbar seems to be benign. Still, I wouldn't even consider installing it.
That being said, I appreciate forum rules and applaud efforts to avoid piracy. I sincerely believe in supporting software developers and spend hundreds of dollars each year to do so. BFG clearly would like you to install their toolbar so I understand and accept why notblocklox has determined that we shouldn't share information about the codes on this forum.
Posted 15 years ago # -
I hope this is not breaking any rules. 2sweetcamom, if you go on the BFG Chit-Chat Corner forum, there is a thread for the toolbar (usually the first or second one listed) and if you go to the end of the thread, someone usually posts the daily offer and will PM the code to you if you request it. Since this is an official BFG site, I am sure it is acceptable to them. Many people have said they could not get the toolbar to work so this is the way they get around that.
Posted 15 years ago #
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