Someone once mentioned combining icons on your desktop into separate folders to save space. How do you do this?
Someone once mentioned combining icons on your desktop into separate folders to save space. How do you do this?
Well, there's the XP built-in Desktop Cleanup, just right click an empty spot on your desktop and select Arrange Icons By->Run Desktop Cleanup Wizard. This'll allow you to put any unused icons into a folder on your Desktop called Unused Desktop Shortcuts.
or you could try bumptop, where you can combine your icons into piles, that you can then spread out upon will :P
Hi, Terri... I like to do it by hand, so I know where in the heck everything is. Just Right Click a free spot on your desktop, and out of the drop-down pick New, and from that list pick Folder. A new folder will appear on your desktop ready to be named, i.e. Games, or Utilities, etc. Then drag your shortcut icons into your folder(s). You can also categorize inside your folders by making folders for the categories (i.e., RPGs, Shooters, etc.) and dragging them inside the main folder. Hope that was clear... midori.
Hello Terri:
you might also be a candidate for Fences,
It allows you to create areas and then sort the icons into those. Another Freeware that I came across just today is called Stick and in one of it's setting you can get like an Explorer like dropdown menu showing only those folders you define. It gives really nice fast access. Also, check into Virtual Disk given away March 22. It allows you to create virtual links to folders and files.
Pura vida, AlexSJ
I used Midori's method and it worked perfectly. Now I can actually see what's on my desktop. Thanks.
One other question. I downloaded WOT after my System Restore and it says the file downloaded but nothing happens. I ran a search and it only shows a dll file on my computer. It worked fine on my other computer and on this one before the System Restore.
Any ideas on how to install it. I thought maybe the download was being blocked but I've downloaded other things since the System Restore.
On the icon issue, if you go look at the icons on your machine, you can switch the boring old folder image for something pretty. I found a tree...
Lol, true, Tizz... I use that one for one of my game folders. Just Right Click on the folder, click Properties, Customize, and at the bottom, Change Icon, (pick one) Okay, then Apply. The ones that come with Microsoft are limited, but there's some neat Icon programs out there also. One was just given away a few days ago on giveawayoftheday. Quite cool.
As AlexSJ said, check out fences - it is a really neat solution to a crowded desktop. Of course grouping similar apps and shortcuts into relevant folders is probably the more thorough long term habit to get into, but Fences allows you to still have direct access to everything in neat resizeable scrolling boxes. Also double-clicking an empty area hides/shows many or all icons, so you can have a desktop with only one or two icons visible and a great view of your wallpaper :-)
I found a house which is perfect for the Gamehouse icon. Too bad they don't have a fish for Big Fish Games. Thanks for the suggestion.
Hi, Terri... I did that by getting their logo out of one of their folders and placing it on my desktop. Then when in Customize I did a Browse, and picked it off of the desktop. But it has to be a plain icon symbol, no one that's a shortcut to something already.
It worked like a charm and my desktop looks nice and pretty now. Thanks everyone.
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