Or maybe it's like the pharmaceutical companies who only charge African Aids patient 200% profit margin on drugs they desperately need, versus the 2000% they charge in developing countries. Or sometimes only 100% when American charities donations can make up the other 100% so the manufacturers doesn't lose any profits. To put it another way, yep, limited equipment! The computer industry is really making it easy for the underprivileged to catch up. How generous of them!
I think, though, this is really about Microsoft's love of bloat and idiotic conviction that it knows more about what people need than they do. Let's see, we could make a lean, mean Windows that's not overly complicated and hard to maintenance and so bloated it keeps gobbling up memory like a kid locked overnight in a candy store. And we could make one seperate high powered version of Windows to those who can really use it and need it, rather than 5 or more versions that have no clear differential just to confuse the public. Nah! Where's the profit in that?
Wait, there already is a lean, mean, not so convuluted that even it's own developers don't understand it, OS. It's called Linux.
By the way, if you see a pattern in my posts, it's that I always reject the comments of those who want to make all business men saints and all consumers sinners.