I did a quick search and did not see this posted anywhere,so forgive me if it's already been posted(http://www.awomo.com) This game is huge(7 GB) but it is never completely on your hard drive, only the stub. I have a home business adsl connection and was playing the game within 5 minutes,no lagging,no dropped frames, no stuttering. This is truly a unique digital game delivery system.
Requires email and user name for download.
Happy Gaming
Tomb Raider legend for free
(3 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 15 years ago #
Hi, Ziffelpig, thanks for your post.
Please be aware, that this is only a so called free download of a "Limited Beta Trial" - no freeware. The service is not free and they can not make your net any faster. And (as long as I could understand it) even when you have paid for the game and own it, it will never be completely on your pc - so you can not play it offline. Maybe I'm wrong.
grayloxPosted 15 years ago # -
Just to clarify,I am not suggesting that it will make your internet connection faster,nor am I saying the game is a beta, the download client is the beta. The game is the full game and yes you need an internet connection and an account to play. The account is free at this time,and no credit card was needed for sign up. Here is the FAQ
(http://www.awomo.com/?q=node/29)Posted 15 years ago #
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