To answer a question from GaryK on the download page that has several upvotes, you can create a bootable USB stick in the app. I couldn't find help docs on their site, so I installed the software in a Win11 Pro VM -- you'll find help here:
And details on creating the USB stick here:
You have the choice to create a bootable USB stick or an ISO that you can burn to a DVD or use with Rufus to create a bootable USB stick -- Rufus has a few options that *may* help if you have issues using the USB stick you created in Genie Timeline. It is important that you test the USB stick *Before* you rely on it, since many such bootable USB sticks do not work, &/or require turning Secure Boot off.
Genie Timeline Home 10 takes up ~100MB in the program's folder, with additional folders added to ProgramData\ & Users\ [UserName]\ AppData\ Roaming\. It also installed an older version of Microsoft C/C++ runtimes. You have to proceed with a backup to get to the main screen where you can activate the software. I recorded about 1000 new registry entries, but the majority of that was due to Windows itself. There were 2 Genie Timeline keys, a key for uninstalling Genie Timeline, one new service, and the many keys associated with those C/C++ runtime files.