It works, though it can take a while and results on a random podcast I downloaded were not encouraging -- YMMV. Their tutorial on using the software includes a link to download additional [larger] models which you can use, as well as languages besides the included English & French: . That may make a difference. After removing the French model it takes up ~184MB, while the additional models range from 40MB to 2.3GB. The app itself is simple to use -- drag a file on top of the window and click Convert -- and there's a portable version available that will register. The difference between the portable & regular versions, besides using an installer itself, is an uninstall key in the registry, an empty folder under Users\ [UserName]\ AppData\ Roaming\, & the portable version has a key.txt file containing only the activation key. Both versions add an encrypted version of that key to the registry, and if you add that key.txt file to the installed apps folder, it become portable as well.
Speech to Text Converter
(1 post) (1 voice)-
Posted 5 months ago #
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