This is really more of a reminder that the internet has plenty of circumference to diameter converters. It's common for the fake leather used for headphone earpads to crack & split. And you can find replacements for some make & models online. If not, or if like my Old V-moda headphones, the only listings you find are from sketchy vendors, you can buy universal fit earpads by size. Problem is that they go by diameter, while many headphone earpieces are oval, or just weird like my M-80s. The solution is to measure the circumference of the earpiece where the earpad attaches. Either use a fabric or paper tape measure, or mark a strip of paper & then lay it down on a ruler. Just plug that into one of the converters online -- type something like circumference to diameter in Google search. If it's in between the earpad sizes offered, like in my case it was between 55 & 60mm, flip a coin, or like I did, order both. The earpads themselves have a lip on the side that attaches, and just stretch that into the corresponding groove on the earpiece -- my M-80s have a removable frame that snaps off, and just fit that into that lip.
Replacement Headphone Earpads -- V-Moda M-80
(1 post) (1 voice)-
Posted 6 months ago #
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