Living Off The Land Drivers is a curated list of Windows drivers used by adversaries to bypass security controls and carry out attacks. The project helps security professionals stay informed and mitigate potential threats.
Software drivers -- the bridge between hardware and Windows -- are a prime target for malware; they start with Windows, have the highest level of privilege, and the best drivers to misuse are signed and considered by AV software & Windows. Drivers from major manufacturers are usually patched when security vulnerabilities are found, though not always, and since it's generally up to you to find out if there are any updates and install them, many systems go unpatched. Microsoft maintains a database of drivers that can sometimes be offered via Windows Update, but it's far from complete. This is a case where software that searches for & offers to install newer drivers can come in handy, though you should always perform an image backup that you know you can restore first.
You should also be aware that malware can install and use drivers that have no purpose on your PC / laptop -- the driver is actually part of the malware, used because it's ignored by Windows & AV software.