Normally, if/when upgrading to Win11, or doing a repair reinstall, with the current Windows running, you run setup.exe from either a mounted Win11 setup ISO, or from the set of all the files in the ISO copied to regular storage [hard disk, USB stick etc.]. If you use the Run box [right click Start Button] instead of double-clicking setup.exe, & add the switch: /product server [X:\setup.exe /product server -- where X=the drive letter for the mounted ISO] setup will skip hardware compliance checking.
That quicker/easier than replacing the file: appraiserres.dll, which is what's responsible for the hardware compliance checking. For a fresh install rather than an upgrade, if you use the free app, Rufus, to create a bootable USB stick using a Win11 setup ISO, it'll pop up a window where you can select to skip the hardware check [& a few other options], and it will replace that appraiserres.dll file for you.