Passwords are generally thought to be unsafe, not to mention a Big PITA. 2FA [two factor authentication] adds a measure of added security, but most accounts don't offer 2FA, it's not foolproof, and again it's a bit of a PITA. The latest, alleged cure for this mess is called a Passkey. But while you're going to see it mentioned more often, it's not *there* yet. Not only do most accounts not let you use passkeys, but no one has standardized them yet, with Google & Microsoft each offering their own versions for example.
If passkeys do make it into widespread adoption, they will make your online life easier. Think of a passkey as a sort of permanent password that's saved on your PCs, laptops, & cell phones. Logging into a web site would just mean clicking the login button, and in some cases even that step will be skipped.