Got this maybe, sometimes, could possibly be a little bit useful tip from The Verge [theverge[.]com]. You can sort the listing in some of the tabs in Task Mgr. by clicking on the column header, but if you sort on a column other than name, the order can change almost constantly, as the amount of RAM, CPU, network traffic etc. used by any process can change continually. It can then be difficult to select a process that doesn't stay in one place for example to end that process. Pressing the Control key freezes the Task Mgr. display making it easy, or you can just click the name column header, scrolling to find the process name alphabetically.
The article also mentioned a bonus tip which IMHO is completely useless, but *might* amuse some folks... you can spin the gear icon in Task Mgr. & Notepad [and possibly some other Microsoft stuff] with your mouse.