As it says in the ad copy, UnHackMe is Not typical security software like McAfee, Bitdefender, or Windows Defender etc. It does not compare most or all of the files on your PC / laptop hard disk / SSD to a virus signature database like one of those apps, but it does scan periodically, and it has a monitoring app that can run continuously. I do not know how its monitoring compares to top security software -- I don't *think* that info's available -- but monitoring OS & network activity & operations is often the best way to detect the presence of malware &/or intruders, since malware can go to great lengths to avoid being caught by signature matching. Malware can be fileless for example, existing in pieces stored in the registry that are reassembled & run, or the files themselves may be continuously changed, so the signatures stored in say Virus Total only match older versions rather than the latest release.
That said, personally I'd be more interested in UnHackMe as a portable tool that I could use as a double [or triple] check on whatever device I suspected might be infected with malware. The app itself installs to 2 folders, the program's folder and a folder in Users\ Public\ Documents\. A driver, UnHackMeDrv.sys, is also added to Windows\ SysWOW64\ drivers\. The registry gets one key associating the app with RNRFile, and an uninstall key, but for 64-bit Windows the 3 keys the software uses are Greatis in HKCU\ Software\ and HKLM\ Software\ WOW6432Node\, and HKLM\ SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ Partizan.