Just a quick Public Service Announcement to avoid this online retailer at all costs.
I usually check out a biz before doing any business with them over, say, $5, but Newegg used to be decent many years ago when PC parts were much harder to find. But they sold the biz to a Chinese company -- NOT implying anything at all for/against China -- and service apparently dropped off a cliff. Until a week ago I was blissfully unaware of that -- IOW I got lucky with the 3, maybe 4 purchases I made over the last 4-5 years -- but fighting a case of dishonest false advertising I've found out just how horrible their reputation, and track record has become. Over 1k complaints to the Better Business Bureau -- a 1.6 [BAD] rating on Trustpilot etc.
Oh well, still have one or two plays left before I start adding my complaints to the list, contacting the state Attorney General and so on.