The version of AOMEI Backupper Pro included is 7.2.0 -- the prior giveaway was for version 7.1.0, so a minor upgrade. One thing that has unfortunately not changed, the bootable USB stick you create with the app won't work for me using a PC with UEFI & Secure Boot enabled, with the error: blinitializelibrary failed 0xc000009a . This is the same error I've gotten with prior versions of Backuppper testing on multiple PCs, all with UEFI & Secure Boot. It is possible to add Backupper to a USB stick with the generic WinPE from the Windows ADK, but something's missing as Backupper then will not see the disks / partitions on the host PC.
The version of MyRecover included is the same as a prior giveaway in December 2022. I could not find a way to easily re-register the app with today's key to extend the license period.