The Cloud is a tool, or set of tools more accurately, that individuals, Business, & other organizations can use, or not. There's still lots of hype at both extremes, saying the Cloud is revolutionary & wonderful, or the Cloud is nothing but a scam, so Stay Away. Some folks encourage the "it's a scam" point of view in the comments on the GOTD download pages, and IMHO they might just get bolder & louder seeing headlines talking about Cloud Repatriation, which may be a new catchphrase this year.
The truth is that some companies jumped on the cloud bandwagon that shouldn't have, at least until they did the homework, learning both how to use it & how they needed to change in order to use it. So for them, [unsurprisingly] things didn't go all that well, and now they're hitting reset, hoping to go back to the way they were beforehand. It should surprise no one that some businesses are led by idgits. But those idgits are the exception to the rule, as cloud services like Microsoft's Azure continue their rapid growth.
A perfect storm of economic conditions, customer struggles, and price increases might just cause cloud repatriation to become a real trend. My gut is telling me that this might just be another one of those “year of …” things, but my head says the conditions might just be right.If I was a gambler, I’d probably bet that there will be lots of op-ed headlines (like this article) and some reports about organizations leaving the cloud. However, I think growth (which is slowing as should be expected) will continue thanks to new customers and increasing adoption with existing customers.