It would be hard to make it easier -- just open PowerShell, type wsl --install, and press Enter. The setup routine adds & turns on the parts of Hyper-V that WSL2 needs. After a necessary restart, if you have Terminal installed [it's included in Win11 by default] it'll open with the Linux command prompt, asking you to set your user name & password. Note: when you type your password it looks like Terminal is dead, since nothing at all happens -- instead of showing your password or asterisks as you type, it shows nothing. Next you'll want to update the installed software packages -- for the default Ubuntu distro: sudo apt update & sudo apt upgrade .
I have an old NAS [Network Attached Storage] that I use to store the backups of all of our devices [overkill, but long story short, I had a $300 credit at Dell I had to spend]. It might be starting to give me trouble -- too soon to say if the problem I had this week was a fluke or a new trend. Like I think most NAS units, it uses a Linux file system, so you need Linux to read the disks to copy the stored data elsewhere. With WSL2, reading external drives connected via USB is a bit involved, but doable:
Note: Win11 is advised. Also note that the instructions to install the USBIP tools and hardware database in Linux did not work -- follow the directions [use the commands] at the linked page:
Also see: learn.microsoft[.]com/en-us/windows/wsl/wsl2-mount-disk?source=recommendations
A note for NAS owners: like all electronics, eventually something will break. If you want/need to get the data stored on one or more disks, if you do the normal thing & Google, you'll be assaulted by ads & articles saying you need to spend sometimes big bucks on recovery software. Far as I can tell that's pretty much BS.