Something I've found out the hard way, when Windows gets sluggish, starts behaving more unreliably *than usual*, or when something Windows just flat out breaks, unless you've just installed a driver, software, or Windows update that you can uninstall, reinstall Windows. You can certainly try Googling on some error code, but 90+% of the time that will just waste your time. Ditto following recommendations or running troubleshooters from Microsoft. Just had another case last weekend when the store in a Win10 VM started crashing. Spent a few minutes to repair, reset, & reinstall the store, all to no avail, so downloaded the ISO and fixed it with a reinstall. When that happens with a real piece of hardware, rather than a VM, it's time to consider whether I want to reinstall 10 or just install 11...
FWIW, I'm generally terribly agnostic about Win11 -- about 10 times more so since finding out there *may* be a win12 -- but on forbidden fruit, hardware that Microsoft tries hard to prevent you from ever installing Windows 11 on, it's worked much better than Win10, or Win11 on hardware that Microsoft supports running Win11 on (!). 32GB total storage -- no problem; 2GB RAM -- it'll deal with it. The only thing I can't get around is a tablet with 32-bit BIOS.
Anyway, Ed Bott agrees with me about just reinstalling Windows when there's a problem or three, and I guess this post is somewhere between "told ya so" & a chance to repeat something I was afraid I've said too often.