I've got 20 of the tw folders from the 6th, & 20 for today, the 7th. I've got a dozen of the CM* files going back to 6/2020. Most of those CM files are 1KB, so I opened one in Notepad -- on the 3rd line, after 8 characters that aren't included in the font used, it says:
V e n d o r M S F T D i a g n o s t i c L o g E t w L o g C o l l e c t o r s D e v i c e P r o v i s i o n i n g T r a c e C o n t r o l
Googling "Vendor MSFT Diagnostic Log" [w/out quotes] I got this:
CM **could** represent Configuration Mgr., though far as I can tell that's not really used for or with our home setups. So my next **guess** is that the CM file is a temporary file used in creating a log file or entry. So I searched the Windows folder for "modified:11/2/2021 3:43 PM" [w/out quotes], which is the time of the latest CM file I have. I didn't get any log files, but several .aux & .dll files in Windows\ Assembly\ NativeImages_v4.0.30319_64\. The .aux files are similar to log files -- Googling on ".NET .aux files" [w/out quotes] gets this:
SO... I had installed several apps that day [11/2/2021], clearly something was added regarding .NET, because new files. Ultimately my *guess* is that the CM tmp files are leftovers from a Windows process collecting data, in this case for those .AUX files.